Friday, February 21, 2014

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

     I'm back! The story book that I have read is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I would like to give a brief explanation of this series. Initially, the author of this book, J.K.Rowling written her first book, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone on 1997. When the new year came, she sold her first four books to Warner Bros for approximately 2 million dollars. The series went on and on and it finally ended with the last book by the name of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2. The book that I'm about to talk about is the forth installment of the stunning series.

The problem of enslavement by their masters
    Hermione Granger researches the plight of the house-elves,who are slaves to their respective master and must do whatever they want accordingly. The house-elves are uneducated and unable to argue for themselves. This situation is almost similar to the issue of enslavement by certain countries all over the world. They are kept unpaid and their treatments depend on the mercy of their masters. Hermione finds this despicable and she worked hard throughout the story to fight for the rights of the house-elves. 

Always be modest no matter what you possess
    On Harry's 11th birthday, he received a letter explaining that he has special powers he doesn't know about. He was then invited to at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and instead of being a newbie, he was well respected by every students there. He did not show off his unique powers moreover he even denied the fact that he has special powers. We all should learn from him!

Violence is never the key to solving problems
   Kids, you should always bear this in mind, violence does not solve problems at all and it might even worsen things. In this story, Voldemort tends to solve problems by using violence as he placed imperious curse on people that tend not to listen to his orders. He gradually pulls the wizards community to work for his whims and to perform his malicious task to wipe out Dumbledore, the one and only pure blood wizard. Harry became the archenemy of Voldemort when he foiled the plans of Voldemort to kill Dumbledore.

Prepared by
 How Qi Ming 
 4 Cergas
 22nd of February 2014


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