Friday, February 28, 2014


The Midnight Prank War
Life as a high school student was never ever going to be easy, especially when one is ‘lucky’ enough to be able to be targeted by bullies right at the first day of school, have a teacher that hates you because your name reminds him of a villain in a movie, parents who are never home and two retarded twin brothers as your only friends. Yep life couldn’t get any worse for Kiara Stone. But when Kiara could take no more, she decided to get revenge on all of those who have caused her so much pain. Together with twins Galie and Galio Watson, the Midnight Prank War begun.
After reading this book, I have learned many moral values such as parental support is very important in a child’s growth. Kiara’s parents were always either overseas working or out on vacation. Thus, causing Kiara to spend most of her time at home alone or at the Watson brother’s place . Added with all the drama in school, Kiara irrationally started to plot her revenge which led to many problems .Therefore , parental support is very important in a child’s growth.
Secondly, we should never be too stubborn and listen to other’s advices. When the Midnight Prank War first started, everything went smoothly, everyone was getting what they deserved and things were never better, until the night they try to prank Brian Collins. Due to the many pranks they previously pulled off, Brian knew he was going to be targeted soon and was ready to retaliate if Kiara ever came. When the twins overheard Brian, they tried to warn Kiara of the risks, but Kiara was stubborn and decided to go anyways. Not wishing for their friend to suffer on her own, the twins followed her and the trio got a whacking of a lifetime. With that Galie and Galio  decided to stop helping Kiara. Heartbroken, badly bruised and all alone . Kiara watched her only friends walk away from her. Stubbornness can lead to conflicts that can break even the strongest bonds. Therefore, we should not be too stubborn.
Lastly, I learned that true friendship lasts forever. With every prank Kiara pulls, the more enemies she make and one midnight when she was going to carry out a routine prank, bullies , cheerleaders, football players, even teachers surrounded her at an empty street. It was going to be the last of Kiara Stone until, ‘Batman and Robin’ arrived to save the day, or to be exact, suffer together with Kiara. In the end, even though Galie and Galio were treated badly by Kiara, they were even pranked by her after the conflict, they still came back to try to help her and the trio limped back home, bruised all over, again, but this time, they were together,they were happy and the prank war was over


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