Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sally Dumble's Trick

          One of the interesting event in this story is when Sally Dumble worked her little trick. It was a funny little trick. When Sally Dumble fell down and broke her arm, she couldn't do a thing and she was most upset. She had next neighbors who soon heard what had happened. One was Dome Slapdash, and the other was Mother Trim. They offered to do Sally's work for her. "she has plenty of money and will pay me well" said Dome Slapdash. Different with Mother Trim, she wanted to help Sally without any payment. Sally finally arranged that Dome Slapdash should come in that day and Mother Trim the next day and so on.

          Dome Slapdash was a very lazy worker. If she could leave anything, she would. She didn't turn the mattress when she made the bed, she didn't dust properly, she didn't sweep the corners but left them full of dust and she wouldn't shake any of the rugs. She just did the jobs as quickly and as carelessly as she could and liked nothing better than to make herself a cup of tea and sit talking whilst she drank it.

          Different with Mother Trim, she loved to turn the mattress and pat it down flat. She couldn't bear to flick around the room with a duster. She liked to go round carefully and dust underneath the clock and behind the pictures and under the vases. She always swept the dust out of the corners and of course she shook every single rug, and would have taken up the big carpet, too, to beat in the yard, if Sally hadn't stopped her.

          Sally watched the two neighbors and said nothing. She laid a little plan, a tricky one as her arm got better. She had made up her mind, to pay her two neighbors for their work but they would have to find the money themselves. " I will leaves the money for you" said Sally to them. The next day, Dame Slapdash came along to the jobs for the last time. After Sally went out, Dame Slapdash looked for the money greedily. She looked all around the house, but she still couldn't find it. She thought that Sally forgotten to put out the money. So, she hurried through the job and did it very badly indeed.

          Sally had not forgotten to put the money, but she had hidden it. She had put the five pounds under the mattress and Dame Slapdash hadn't turned it of course. Another five pounds under the big bowl which should have been moved and dusted every day. Five pounds under the blue rug by the door so that it would be found when the mat was lifted and shaken. The last five pound she had put it in a dark corner, so that it would be found when the corner was swept out. But Dame Slapdash hadn't done any of them. So all the four five pounds were still untouched. The next day, Mother Trim set to work. She did her work like usual, and found all the four five pounds. She was so excited and told Dame Slapdash how generous is Sally and the place the money was hidden. Dame Slapdash stared at Mother Trim and went as red as a tomato. She went home without a word

4 Cergas

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