Sunday, March 23, 2014


The novel that i have recently read is TimeRiders,written by author Alex Scarrow. This story is about how three young people were given a 'second chance' to live by becoming a TimeRiders,an agency no one knew about to prevent people from changing history according to their own design. The three people are: Liam O'Connor,Maddy Carter, and Sal Vikram. Before they were recruited,they were on the verge of death. Liam was trap in a sinking Titanic; Maddy was in a plane which is about to explode, and Sal was in a burning apartment building that will collapse. They were recruited by a mysterious guy name Foster,in order to ensure no one messes with time.They were initiated because of their unique traits,and if they accept the offer to become a TimeRider,they will be safe,but if they don't,they would have to return back to their original place in order to prevent history from being altered.

Of course, this story attract me in so many ways.The intriguing story line,the philosophy of time travelling,the gripping suspense that attract you like a magnet, and it is very hard to break away from the magnetic force.However, the most interesting event that really have leave my jaw dropping is the fact that Liam  and Bob(a support unit created to assist the field agent whom are travelling back in time) was trapped in the midst of World War Two.Because they did fail to make it in time in travelling back to their own time,they had altered the history and timeline.However, a person named Kramer went back in order to let the Germans win,by lending them their futuristic weapons and technologies,because he found out that the future was in total chaos,and assuming by letting the Nazis win,the future would be a better place.This has caused a major impact and greatly altered the future timeline where New York was controlled by Germans,not only that,but the whole world too.However,what is done is done.History cannot be altered although for a good manifesto or epiphany,because time must flow without the interference.Finally,the TimeRiders were able to  revert history back to original,and the world is again saved.

Time is like a calm water.With just one small touched,it creates a ripple effect...That is why,time must not be interfere by all means.

Fong Kar Wai
4 Cergas

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