Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

     First things first: let's pass around the tissue box. This ending is filled with some emotionally loaded and tragic stuff. The plot point is clear: in the end, the love of Hazel Grace's life, Augustus Waters, dies. He's 17. Through his death, Hazel is able to learn some things about herself, her take on mortality, and her role in the world.

     All this time, Hazel's been adamant about keeping her distance from people because she doesn't want to hurt them. But with Augustus, she realizes the closeness was worth it, she wouldn't change it for the world. And that's how other people, like her parents and her friends, feel about her.
In the end, Hazel reads Augustus's obituary for her. He writes that you can't choose whether or not you'll be hurt, but you can choose what hurts you, and that he's happy with his choices:
What else? She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers. And Hazel responds with:
I do, Augustus.
I do.
Looks like there's some happy ending in there after a

     To be honest I can't really choose weather I like the ending of this book or I disliked it. This is one book i would highly recommend to everyone...   

Pughal 4 CERGAS

The Return Of The King

The novel that I have read is The Return Of The King by J.R.R Tolkien. In my opinion, I like the ending of this story. Mainly because the fellowship finally defeats Sauron and his forces. Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam also manages to destroy the One Ring by tossing it into the flames of Mount Doom.

         After these events occurred, peace was finally restored to Middle Earth. Aragorn then returns to Minas Tirith and is crowned king of Gondor outside the walls of the city in which Frodo brings Aragorn the crown of Gondor, and Gandalf places the crown on Aragorn. Soon after, Arwen, the daugher of Elrond of Rivendell comes to Minas Tirith and Aragorn marries Arwen

        After a series of goodbyes, the hobbits finally returned to The Shire. After some time Frodo accompanies Bilbo and leaves The Shire with Gandalf and the elves. Frodo then hands Sam There And Back Again and The Lord Of The Rings book. Thus bringing an end to The Fellowship.

       Based on the events that have occurred in the end, I truly enjoyed the ending of this book.

  Imran Shah
  4 Cergas
  31st May

Beautiful Creatures

For this month, I have read a novel written by both brilliant authors, Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. The title of the book is Beautiful Creatures. Some of you might happen to hear the title quite familiar. Yes, director, Richard LaGravenese did had a movie based on this novel. However, according to my opinion, I found the movie rather not too appeasing. I found the movie adaptation to be absolutely horrible! They changed the characters and the basically changed the story line. Anyway, (never mind about the movie), I still found the ending of this novel rather intriguing and very worth reading. 

Although it was a headlong read from the start to finish, but the ending was gorgeously crafted, atmospheric and very original. The ending of the story is basically about the day of Lena's 16th birthday, Ethan goes to Ravenwood Manor to see her. Her extended family of Light Casters is with her. Lena is surprised when her Dark Caster cousin Ridley comes to the house with Ethan's best friend, Link, and several other students from the high school. Ridley has put a verbal spell on the students who used to be mean to Lena so that they will treat her nicely on her birthday. Other students are setting up a big party for Lena in the field outside of Ravenwood. Macon forbids Lena to attend the party because of the potential dangers, but Lena sneaks out to enjoy the festivities anyway. Lena and Ethan dance together and finally say that they love each other. However, her mother, Sarafine tells Lena that she will be able to Claim her own self for the Dark or Light at midnight. Lena's choice is a complicated one: If she chooses to go Dark, all the Light Casters in her family will die, but she would be able to have a physical relationship with Ethan, something that was barred to them. If she chooses to go Light, all the Dark Casters in her family will die, including Uncle Macon. Ethan is unable to get into Ravenwood Manor to get the help of the other Light Casters, so runs to the Castor Library to get help from Marian, who is able to let him into Ravenwood Manor through the Library tunnels. After gathering the Light Casters, Ethan runs to find Lena in the woods, but instead meets Sarafine, who stabs him in the stomach with a knife.
From Lena's point-of-view, midnight strikes, and Lena uses her power over nature to block out the moon at midnight, which keeps her from being claimed at all, either for Dark or Light. She sees Sarafine stab Ethan, so with the help of Amma, who arrives with the Book of Moons, she decides to recite a spell to bring Ethan back to life. This works, but with the terrible consequence of the Book needing to take the life of Uncle Macon in order to save Ethan. In the days after Macon's death, Ethan hears a new song called "Seventeen Moons" playing on his iPod, and he knows that the fight between Light and Dark Casters is not yet over. 

Beautiful Creatures is actually the first novel of the Caster Chronicles. I am nevertheless, looking forward for the next Gothic revolution of hauntingly delicious dark fantasy, a lush Southern eccentric characters that can draw you into their captivating world.

Sau Jean Ying
31st May 2014

The Lost Symbol

I did enjoy the ending of the story. 

Although the series of events leading to the ending of the story were pretty ugly, it was still a really good build up and intensity before reaching the finale. Before the ending, Mal'akh (revealed to be Peter Solomon's son, Zachary Solomon who was thought to be dead) had interrogated Robert Langdon by placing Langdon into a tank and slowly filling in liquid to convince Langdon into unlocking the code at the Mason's Pyramid's (believed to be hidden somewhere in Washington DC) base, though he continued to fill the tank until Robert Langdon apparently drowns. Mal'akh also bounds Katherine Solomon to a chair, inserting a transfusion needle with an open end into her arm, leaving her to bleed to death. Mal'akh runs with captured wheelchair-bound and injured Peter Solomon (Katherine's brother) to the Temple Room of the Scottish Rite's House of the Temple. He manages to threaten Peter into cooperating by not calling for an ambulance for Katherine. Inoue Sato (Director of CIA's Office of Security) and her team somehow manages to find Robert and Katherine and save their lives. Langdon is revealed to have actually survived, as the water in the tank was breathable oxygenated liquid. The group then rushes to where Mal'akh threatens to release an edited video showing government officials taking part in secret Masonic rituals. Mal'akh forces the Word-the circumpunct out of Peter and tattoos it on his head-the only unmarked part of his body. He then orders Peter to stab him as he believes he would become a demonic spirit leading the forces of evil. Peter could not bring himself to do so as he found out that Mal'akh was his own son., dropping the knife just as Langdon arrives and tackles Peter. Thankfully, Sato arrives at the Temple in a helicopter, smashing the glass panel, the shards of which that stab Mal'akh. The CIA also succeeds in intervening Mal'akh's plan to release the video by disabling a cell tower in the network form Mal'akh's computer. Langdon, Katherine and Peter then reunite and lament over Zachary's death. Zachary, in soul form was only able to mourn over his own body's mutilation into Mal'akh before presumably dragged in Hell.

Later on, Langdon is informed by Peter that the circumpunct that Mal'akh (Zachary) tattooed on his head wasn't the word. This is where the novel begins to end. Peter decides to take Langdon to the true secret behind the Word and leads him to the room at the top of the Washington Monument and informs him that the Word (a common Christian Bible) lies in the cornerstone of the Monument, buried in the ground beneath the Monument's staircase. Langdon soon realizes that the symbols on the pyramid's base depicted the word LAUS DEO, meaning Praise God.       

Peter tells Langdon that Masons believe that the Bible is an divine interpretation written by humans containing instructions for achieving humanity's God-like behaviour. This interpretation has been long gone within centuries of scientific skepticism. The Mason's have "buried" it, believing that when the time is right, rediscovery will usher in a new era of human enlightenment.

This is a truly amazing ending as it brings up the realization of Man who were created in God's image. Therefore it is not impossible for us to have godliness in ourselves. I really enjoyed how Dan Brown wrote this story and the build-up of the story all the way to the ending. It was really thrilling (I could imagine all the gory scenes in my head) and interesting. A good read that would get a 11 out of 10. 

Lim Kong Sun

Friday, May 30, 2014

MIRRORSCAPE BY MIKE WILK Based on the novel Mirrorscape by Mike Wilks, this story is about the main character,Mel ,becomes an apprentice to a master painter, he discovers not only two good friends - Wren and Ludo-but the secret world of the Mirrorscape.A world that mirrors the painting's canvas,where strange people,fantastical inventions and dangerous creatures come to life.A world where swivel-headed butlers fight in houses with legs,and pyramid mazes reverse time.Mel and his friends must now prepare for a battle where the humble paintbrush is a deadly weapon... I don't like the ending of this story because the ending shows that all the problems had been solved and there's no more fight and war between the people and creatures in the Mirrorscape. But the ending didn't mentioned about Mel,the main character in the story who fought and sacrificed himself to save the creatures and people in the Mirrorscape and also his two best friends and his family from the dangers that made them to separate from each other. RACHANA MYLVAGANAM MAY

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

                   The book i have chosen for the last month of this book review programme is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. This book is really interesting i would say. It's about an 18 year old girl Cath Avery. Cath has been writing fanfics all her life and she isn't planning to stop because she's in college now. Cath's twin sister, Wren isn't like her. Wren is the type of girl you would see at every Friday night's parties while Cath, well, you would find her in her dorm room with her laptop and thinking about what to write next for her fanfic. The reason why i chose this book for this month is because i love the ending.

                     The ending for this story is just simple and cute. it ended with Cath reading her fanfic to her boyfriend, Levi. I also love how it ended with Cath and Wren making up after months of not talking to each other. Cath and Wren finally started to have lunch and dinner together again. They also saw each other more often, unlike what actually happened for half of the book where they fought and didn't even see each other. The fight started when Wren actually chose her friend, Courtney as her roommate instead of Cath and soon it went on and on. The reason why i like the ending is also because of Cath and Levi. Cath, who thought Levi isn't her type because he smokes (occasionally), he's older by 2 years and he is also working and not studying like her. But all that changed when Cath actually started to have feelings for Levi and vice versa. well that's why they say opposite attracts right? I also strongly love the ending for this book because of how cute Cath and Levi's relationship is, Cath would read Levi her fanfics every now and then and i think that's sweet since most of the boys would think Cath is an absolute creep for writing fan fictions. Levi is such an amazing boyfriend to Cath as he would travel for hours just to meet her and do all these cute stuffs that a boyfriend would do for his girl to be happy.

                      Based on all of that reasons, that is why i really love the ending of Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. This book is worth buying and also worth reading. 

Adri Irman
4 Cergas


Breaking Dawn

The novel I have read is Breaking Dawn written by Stephenie Meyer. I dislike like the ending of this story.
The first reason I didn’t like this story is because of Bella’s pregnancy. Theoretically and biologically for a lady to become a pregnant it needs the fusion of a sperm and and ovum and both these substances can only be available to human who is alive with blood flowing in their body. Bella and Edward having sex are fine although it is impossible since vampires cannot have close contact with human due to blood. But, becoming pregnant is too much and it doesn’t make sense. Edward who is being a vampire is more than 140 years and is dead for a long time. So, he is basically a dead body with no blood, veins, arteries, blood capillaries in him. So, how on earth he can be the father of Renesmee since he cannot produce sperms? Although fiction books are meant to be fiction (out of sense) but being a biology student it makes me to think. Then, the outstanding growth of the baby Renesmee... How on earth a baby can grow extremely fast? Again biology plays an important role…
Second off the whole thing with Jacob imprinting on Nessie. Jacob was like all "Bella I love you I will never leave you." Bella was all "I love you too Jake!" But the Jake goes and imprints on Bella's kid! And Bella's not even the TINIEST bit hurt. I mean it would be like Renesemee would ask Bella,"Mommy where did you meet Jacob?" What is Bella is supposed to say? " Well dear, I used to be in love with Jacob. We even made out a couple times, and oh yeah, I was even tempted to leave your father for him,". That'll be a great conversation for a mother and daughter to have. Meyer made it seem like Jacob was settling for Nessie because he couldn’t have Bella, she even said Jacob liked her because her eyes were so much like Bella's.
Therefore, I strongly dislike the ending of the story…

          4 CERGAS

Charlotte's Web

The novel I read is Charlotte’s Web by E.B White. It starts with after sparing the life of a baby piglet almost slaughtered due to his status as runt of the litter, a little girl named Fern Arable adopts it and nurtures it lovingly, naming it Wilbur. However, she is crushed when the piglet matures enough to be separated from his mother, and Wilbur is thus sent to reside on a farm owned by Fern's uncle, Homer Zuckerman. Her powerful attachment to Wilbur mutual, the pig is left yearning for companionship but is snubbed by other barn animals. However, he is welcomed by an unseen voice who promises to befriend him, vowing to reveal itself to him in the morning. The voice is revealed to belong to a spider named Charlotte living on a web spun overlooking Wilbur's enclosure. Knowing of Wilbur's impending doom (as the Zuckermans plan on slaughtering him) she promises to hatch a plan guaranteed to spare his life. Sure enough, the following morning the Zuckermans are flabbergasted to catch sight of the words "SOME PIG" woven into the spider web, attracting great recognition and publicity. Understanding that Wilbur's chances of survival will be strengthened if similar miracles were to occur, Charlotte employs the assistance of Templeton the barnyard rat in gathering labels as inspiration for her spider web messages. As time passes, more and more engravings continue to appear on Charlotte's webs concerning Wilbur's value, attracting increasing notoriety and publicity. Soon Wilbur is entered in the county fair, accompanied by Charlotte and the gluttonous Templeton, aware of the discarded foods littered along the fair grounds, and, while there, Charlotte spins an egg sac containing her unborn offspring---which she refers to as her "magnum opus"---that is heavily guarded by Wilbur.

I like the ending although the pig is crestfallen when the spider notifies him of her impending death and mentions that she is to pass away before long, staying behind at the fair and dying after Wilbur's departure. Heartbroken, Wilbur guards Charlotte's egg sac, and is saddened further when the new spiders hatch and depart shortly after their birth, leaving behind three spiderlings too young to leave just yet. Pleased at the thought of finding new friends after Charlotte's demise, Wilbur names the spiderlings Joy, Nellie, and Aranea, and the book concludes mentioning that more and more generations of spiders continued to arrive with time to keep Wilbur---who is now safe from death.

A valuable friendship is worth for us to remember although our friends will leave us one day because life goes on. The memories left will be kept in our deepest heart.

Diong Wei Shan
4 Cergas
30th May 2014 

Thirteen Reasons Why By Jay Asher



                That right there is the ending of the novel Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. The novel begins as the narrator, Clay Jensen, receives a mysterious package. We soon learn that the package contains the audio taped suicide note of Hannah Baker, a girl Clay had a crush on before she killed herself about two weeks before.

                I like the ending of the novel. It ends with one word which is “Skye”. It ends with one word but it is packed with meanings. This word sums up why Hannah’s tapes have affected Clay.The novel is centered on Clay listening to Hannah’s tapes,ther effect on him is a major issue.

                 When I read the first few reasons, I was kind of annoyed by how she's so sensitive about the tiniest things. Afterwards, I analyzed her reasons. I found out that she had reasonable reasons that caused her life. They took away her dreams, gave her a bad reputation, gave everyone the idea of sexually assaulting her, took away her friendship, her security and the meaning of "home" the safest place she could have been. If you read between the lines, Hannah said the stars gave her hope but she decided to close her blinds because Tyler. They also took away the encouragements she needed for the her privacy and had her thoughts dissected. Clay was the only exception but it was when Hannah was with Clay that she realized she couldn't be with the one she loves because of the rumors. Even a teacher couldn’t help her as he took away Hannah's thought that someone cares for her

                Skye used to be a popular girl at their school, but one day she apparently just "stopped caring," and has since become a social outcast. She is first intoduced in an early chapter when Clay is on the bus. In the end, he goes after her because he remembers Hannah, and by befriending Skye may have prevented another suicide.

Anisha :) x
4 Cergas

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Around The World in 80 Days

     This novel tells about a gentleman named Phileas Fogg who goes around the world in 80 days with his butler, Jean Passepartout as they embark on journey which is full of adventures and surprises. 
     I like the ending of the novel because Phileas Fogg succeeds in his quest to travel around the world in 80 days and he  finds a wonderful wife, Aouda. First and foremost, Phileas Fogg's perseverance leads him to accept a bet to travel around the world and he finally succeeds in his quest after a series of challenges and obstacles. Phileas Fogg has won the wager and made a grand tour around the  world. He rides an elephant, buys  boat, takes many trains, sails on many steamers and has a great adventure. In additional to this, he risks his life and freedom to rescue Aouda but Phileas Fogg is willing to do whatever is within his reach to free her from her kidnappers. Last but not least, Phileas Fogg confesses his own love for Aouda. Passepartout is called and asked to give due notice to the Reverend at the Marylebone Parish, so that Phileas and Aouda may be married, they married two days later.

     In conclusion, i like the ending of the novel because Phileas Fogg succeeds in his quest to travel around the world in 80 days and he finds a wonderful wife, Aouda. I am happy for both of them.

(4 Cergas)

Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan.

The book is that I have read this month Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan. The story is about some people from Earth onboard a ship, Empyrean heading to New Earth.

On board, sixteen-year olds Waverly and Kieran are part of the first generation born in space. They are in love. They believe their future is written in the stars. They have never seen a stranger until the day they are wrenched apart and find themselves fighting for their lives. They lived a normal live with their families and friends.

I like the ending of this story because Kieran and Waverly had to stay strong and not give up hope to guide the younger ones through the entire time they were being held captives at the New Horizon. Although apart and both of them desperately needing the other, they still held on and continued fighting for their lives. After five months, when Kieran and the crew on finally heard Waverly’s voice on the intercom, they managed to reunited all the remaining Empyrean crew members. Although their parents couldn’t be rescued yet, they were still happy to have each other. I also like the part when Kieran had almost lost all hope from being starved and beaten by Seth, he found this little voice in his head that told him what to do. How he managed to get support from the younger boys by setting up services to God. The ironic part was when Waverly didn’t approve of Kieran’s services because of her trauma from Anne Mather. She was angry because she thought Kieran would become like her until she went to Seth. The story ended in a cliffhanger here.


4 Cergas

Gamer Girl by Mari Mancusi

The novel I have read for this month’s book report is Gamer Girl written by Mari Mancusi. I like the ending of this novel because of the bonds between the main character, Maddy Starr with her family and friends.

At first, Maddy’s parents split, she’s stuck in a new, small town called New Hampshire full of Aberzombies and Haters , she has a crush on someone she really shouldn’t like who is one of the Haters. She’s  stuck with the nickname Freak Girl. Sometimes it’s enough to retreat into her drawing-her manga is totally important to her- but when she gets Fields of Fantasy for her birthday , she knows she’s found the one place she can be herself. In the game world, Maddy can transform from regular outcast high school student to Allora , a beautiful Elfin princess with magical powers. As Allora, Maddy’s virtual life is perfect, and she even finds a little romance. But a real gamer girl understands that real life comes first- Maddy can’t escape from her IRL problems. She has to find ways to kick back at the Haters , rock her manga , and find the new,real-life friends she knows she deserves.

The story ends with Maddy who entered in a drawing contest to draw an original graphic novel but the novel has been destroyed by the Haters. Maddy had thoughts to forfeit the contest. Luckily, Maddy’s mother encourages her to take control of her destiny. Although she does not have her story, Gamer Girl but she does not give up to enter the contest. Before the contest begins, her crush who was once one of the Haters and her romance in Fields of Fantasy, Chad Murray/Sir Leo explain the misunderstanding between them and brought her manga, Gamer Girl. The manga is fixed by the members of the manga club. At last, Gamer Girl won the contest and moved on to the national competition. They celebrate in a restaurant. Maddy is surrounded by her friends, family, and her new boyfriend. Maddy is no longer a Freak Girl or Gamer Girl. Just Maddy Starr.

I really like this happy ending of this novel. I enjoyed this novel very much when I started to read this book.

Lee Wen Sze
4 Cergas
29th May 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tomorrow Girls: Set Me Free by Eva Gray

Set Me Free is the fourth and final book in the Tomorrow Girls series, and begins right where book three, With the Enemy, ended. This series is about four young girls, Louisa, Evelyn, Maddie, and Rosie, who were sent to a boarding school to keep them safe during a war between the United States and the Alliance, which happened after natural disasters destroyed part of the United States. However the girls soon learned that the school was secretly run by the Alliance and successfully escaped, joining up with three boys from the nearby boys' school. After traveling many miles and enduring many difficulties, including rescuing Maddie after she was kidnapped by Alliance agents and taken away to be brainwashed, the kids have finally made it back to their home city of Chicago.
Each book has been narrated by a different girl, and so for the last book, the narrator is Maddie. I liked the ending of the story because  Maddie is probably the character who changed the most from the start of the series. At the beginning, she was rather timid and not as strong as the other girls. However, she has become stronger and braver, especially after learning that her absent mother, who she thought had a support job in the army, is actually the leader of the Resistance, which is the military organization that fights to defeat the Alliance. Now, Maddie and her friends must find her mother and the Resistance to give them an important encoded message, but finding them in war-torn Chicago won't be easy.
Set Me Free is, overall, a pretty good conclusion to the Tomorrow Girls series, it doesn't end with a cliffhanger and the storylines for all the main characters are resolved. I was disappointed by a couple of things, however - we never find out what happened to some of the minor characters, nor is the exact reason for the war ever explained, in fact it's never explained what exactly the Alliance is or where they came from. I just wish there had been a bit more background information, because I'm still left wondering why there was even a war in the first place.            
I absolutely loved reading this series, it was so addicting. I read these books a while ago and it had been a while since I enjoyed a book that much. I loved the characters, I loved how each book changed POV's between the main characters. I never wanted it to end.

Jaiswarry Sundaram
4 Cergas
28th May 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Petals on the Wind

This book was originally published on 1980 and became and immediate bestseller. The amazing author of this book, Virginia Andrews sadly passed away in 1986.

     I like the ending of the story because when Chris finds out about Cathy's plan and gives her an ultimatum: she must give up her plans or he will have nothing to do with her. Cathy refuses to listen and continues her plan to seduce Bart Winslow. Though initially focused solely on revenge, she and Bart fall in love and begin a prolonged affair. Cathy also sneaks into Foxworth Hall one evening, and begins looking for her grandmother, who has had a stroke and become an invalid. Cathy taunts and lashes her grandmother, but eventually starts to feel guilty and runs from the mansion. While Cathy and Bart continue their affair, she becomes pregnant with Bart's child, an act she believes will be a crushing blow to her mother, who, according to her grandfather's will, must forfeit her vast inheritance should she ever bear children. As Bart and his wife cannot have children, he is torn between his desire to be a husband to Corinne and his wish to be a father to Cathy's unborn child. He does put an end to Cathy's sending blackmailing letters to Corinne, however. Cathy's mother is committed to a mental institution It is later revealed that in a twist of fate, although Corinne has forfeited her father's inheritance, all that money has reverted to her now-dead mother, who stated in her will that her daughter was to receive everything.
Chris tells Cathy why he came to Foxworth Hall to find her: Henny had a massive stroke, and in the process of trying to help her, Paul suffered a massive heart attack. Cathy returns to Paul and finally marries him. Cathy gives birth to a second son, whom she names Bart Jr.. Life is happy for Cathy, but due to complications from four heart attacks, Paul dies soon after. On his deathbed, Paul encourages Cathy to be with Chris, who has loved her and waited for her all these years. Cathy is amazed that Chris still loves her and still wants to be with her. It is at that moment Cathy realizes that Chris was the right man for her all along and she still loves him as well. They move to California, where Cathy and Chris take the name "Sheffield" and plan to raise Cathy's two sons together, although Cathy secretly dreads what will happen to the children if their secret relationship is ever revealed. She also ends the book stating that she has been having strange thoughts about the attic in their house, and even put twin beds up there and wonders if she is somehow becoming her mother.
How Qi Ming
4 Cergas

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

            Last but not least, the 5th and last book report of this year. The lucky contestant that won my heart this month is Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. Here's what i think of the ending

            Percy Jackson had to go down to the underworld to get back Zeus lighting bolt and finds out that Hades didn't have it. In fact, someone sneaky had stolen his Ultimate Helm of Darkness which contains super powers that enables Hades to take over Olympus. When he and his friend escaped from the underworld to confront the god of war, they found out that he had stolen the two items from the original thief. He brought back the Ultimate Helm of Darkness to prevent chaos. They then got onto a plane though he was scared to do to the fact the sky was Zeus' territory and feared that Zeus may shoot them down.This is where i like the ending of the story. Percy Jackson showed his determination by confronting his fears even though it might be a life and death situation.His perseverance got him into Olympus at last to stop the thief from committing a fault.
            At last when he got to Olympus. He gave Zeus back his lighting bolt and then told the god about who had had it and that he believed that the god of the titans, Kronos, was trying to return and take over Olympus. Zeus didn't care to hear about it and shoed him off. His father Poseidon told him how proud he was of him. When he went back to the camp or stay with his mother. On the last day of school, he found out that Luke was in the woods and he confessed to Percy Jackson that he stole both items and that he now worships Kronos because he is going to come back and take over Olympus. He then leaves Percy Jackson with a scorpion that stings him and almost kills him but he was saved by wood nymphs. 

            The injured Percy Jackson was brought back to the camp and was treated well. After he recovered, he then decided to go back home to stay with his mother. He also decided to continue his 7th year of school.

Foo Zhiyi
4 Cergas

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy Books by Jenny Han

Book 1: The Summer I Turned Pretty.
Book 2: It’s Not Summer Without You.
Book 3: We’ll Always Have Summer

I really like the ending of this book because of how strong Isabel was. At first, Isabel had to face many problems and hardships involving two boys; Conrad and Jeremiah who are siblings. Three of them had been friends since they were little because of their moms who have been best friends since they were young. Every year, Isabel‘s family will go to Conrad and Jeremiah’s house for summer and they will spend their holidays together. Conrad is Isabel’s crush while Jeremiah is her closest friend and both of them share everything including their secrets together. However, things started to get worst when Jeremiah started to realise his feelings towards Isabel is not only as friends and Conrad who used to keep his true feelings towards Isabel started to take Isabel back from Jeremiah before Isabel started to stop loving him.

The three of them had to face a lot of hardships. After Conrad and Jeremiah’s mother passed away because of breast cancer, they had a broke down and Isabel had a hard time to cheer them again as both of them loved their mother too much. After they had started to moved on and enjoy their college lives, Jeremiah and Isabel started to be in a relationship. Isabel tried to forget about Conrad who rejected her for many times and she started to give up. Jeremiah who started to realise his true feelings towards Isabel confessed to her and their relationship lasted for few months only. During the night before Jeremiah and Isabel’s wedding day, Conrad couldn’t take it anymore and he told Isabel his true feelings. Conrad even told her to not marry Jeremiah and Isabel was confused. She knew that deep inside her heart, she still loved Conrad but at the same time, she couldn’t bear to break Jeremiah’s heart by ruining their wedding day the day after that.

The next day on their wedding day, Jeremiah realised Isabel’s weird attitude and she even postponed their wedding for several hours so that she could think properly about marrying Jeremiah. Jeremiah knew about the incident the night before when Conrad confessed to Isabel about his feelings. Jeremiah knew that Isabel will choose Conrad. Therefore, he had a big fight with Conrad. Susannah, Conrad and Jeremiah’s mother had left a letter for Isabel, Conrad and Jeremiah each for their wedding day. Unfortunately, Jeremiah took Conrad’s letter and after reading it, he broke up with Isabel. Jeremiah knew that Isabel couldn’t love him the same way as she loves Conrad and that’s why he decided to cancel their wedding and broke up. Isabel read the content of the letter and she cried.

Right after that, she knew who is the right person for her and for her future. Finally, Isabel and Conrad got married and their relationship with Jeremiah had become much more better. They stayed as good friends.

“This is our start. This is the moment it becomes real. We are married. We are infinite. Me and Conrad. The first boy I ever slow danced with, ever cried over. Ever loved.”  -Isabel-

Nur Izzati Noor Azmi

Thursday, May 22, 2014

thank you for the memories by cecelia ahern

    The novel that I have chosen for this month’s review is Thank You For  The Memories by Cecelia Ahern. The story is about a magical connection between Joyce and Justin. Joyce Conway “remembers” things she shouldn’t. She knows about tiny cobbled streets in Paris, which she has never visited. And every night she dreams about an unknown little girl with blonde hair while on the other hand, Justin Hitchcock is divorced. He chases his ex-wife and daughter from Chicago to London and ends up lonely and restless. He arrives in Dublin to give a lecture on art and is persuaded to donate blood. It’s the first thing to come straight from his heart in a long time.     On the other side a blood transfusion saves Joyce Conway’s life. When Joyce leaves hospital after a terrible accident, with her life and her marriage in pieces, she moves back in with her elderly father who is really supportive. She even falls down a flight of stairs and loses her baby which had led her to a big trouble in her marriage life.  A sudden, overwhelming sense of déjà vu has Joyce feeling as if her life is not her own. As she deals with her impending divorce and a miscarriage, Joyce encounters a handsome American, Justin.  They are drawn to each other. The story revolves around the journey that both Joyce and Justin take throughout the book. The magical connection between them has brought them together as they try to figure out this mysterious connection they have for each other when they’ve never properly met. When Joyce and Justin are finally brought together, they realize that their meeting is not just a coincidence, but fate. I do like the ending of the story. How is it possible to know someone you've never met?  But , it is possible in this story where an amazing magical connection happens between  Joyce and Justin through just a blood transfusion .The story ends with a great twist that made me appreciate the story so much more.

"How is it possible to know someone you've never met"
Loshini Sivaraja

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Unwanteds

The Unwanteds

It is no strange when I said that I've always had an affinity for novels that are magic genre. For example, the Harry Potter series. I do love some novels which talk about world issues, like a difference in society classes like The Hunger Games series. So, what happen if you combine both of this epic series into a single book? Well, The Unwanteds series are born. The Unwanteds, written by author Lisa McMann, is arather fascinating book which had both elements from Hunger Games and Harry Potter series.

 Allow me to give a brief summary of this book.Every year in Quill, thirteen-years-olds are sorted into categories: intelligent Wanteds go to university, and the artistic Unwanteds are sent to their graves. On the day of the Purge, identical twins Aaron and Alex Stowe await their fate. While Aaron is hopeful to becoming a Wanted, Alex know his chances are slim. He's been caught drawing with a stick in a dirt- and in the stark gray land of Quill, being creative is a death sentence.....(Imagine Picasso living there)

If I asked whether do I like the story, yes. The ending...yes as well, though ending is a bit too abrupt. I like that it hints a sequel, and whether the sibling relationships between Aaron and Alex remains a mystery until I get the second book of the shelf of a bookshop.

During the end of the book,the war between Artime and Quill. Basically, the artistic warriors and the down-to-earth lifeless artless warrior. The Unwanteds succeeded in conquering victory with magic on their side.I enjoyed reading this book and love the ending as it leave a mystery, meaning to say, what will happen to Aaron and Alex,and whether will Quill be rebuilt and have another war with Artime.

A good book must have the element of surprise.In this book,it turns out that a friend of Alex, Lani, whom her father was a Senior Governor of Quill,but was actually a trusted ally of Mr.Today, who acts as a double agent and provide inside information of Quill to him. He ensure that his daughter would end up as an Unwanted, so that she could live a life in Artime.

Like many great books,it comes to at end and many readers hoping for a sequel, for this case, yes. The ending for this book is rather fascinating,and though I predict all sorts of ending, the author herself had sometime in mind that exceed my predictions and possibilities.

Fong Kar Wai 
4 Cergas

I have only received 4 English pieces for the magazine. Please submit your work to my email or facebook by 19 MAY 2014.
Thank you.

Your Editor,
Jean Ying

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Chronicles of Narnia -The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Chronicles of Narnia -The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 

As I was thinking which book should I write about for May's book report, I came across this good old, famous and classic book which was written by C.S. Lewis and was first published in 1950-The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I'm sure most of the people have heard or read of this wonderful story, but still allow me to tell you the ending of the story first.

So after the battle with the White Witch, Jardis, the four children : Edmund, Susan, Peter and Lucy were crowned king and queens of the kingdom of Narnia while Aslan, the great Lion slips away quietly and disappears after the coronation. The four children ruled over the kingdom for fifteen years with great leaderships and improved the kingdom a lot, but one day when they were hunting in the forest they found a lamppost in the forest. As they go beyond it, branches turned into coats, and the next moment they came tumbling out of the wardrobe in Professor's house, and they were no longer kings and queens, but just their children form with old clothes.This is because, during their whole stay in Narnia, almost no time had gone by in the real world, despite so many years' having gone by in Narnia time. The Professor listened to the kid's stories and believed them all, but he said not to try going back in again, beacause they'll get back to Narnia when they are not looking for it.

May's book report response: do you like the ending? Totally! Why? Well, there's a few reasons. Firstly, the ending was fantastic as it shows how the time works between two dimensions. It totally blew my mind when I read that no time has passed at all in the real world even though they had lived in Narnia for 15 years. At this point, I was wondering what will the people in the kingdom of Narnia do when they found out that their kings and queens disappeared? This really piques my interest and started to wonder about it.

Next, the ending is hinting for a sequel to this story. I was so exicted about it! I was always thinking about the ending of this story and tried to imagine what could happen in the next series, since this story ends with the children coming back to real world and not able to inform the Narnians that they are gone.

Finally, the story also ends with a good ending: the Narnians prevailed in the war against the Wtich who died and Aslan came back alive. When I first read the story, my heart was shattered to pieces because I thought that Aslan really had died by the hands of the Witch and she is going to win the war. But in the end, Aslan returned from nowhere, turned the tides of the war and totally destroyed the Witch, thus bringing back peace to the lands of Narnia.

All in all, the ending was really good and this book was really, really good and I definitely encourage everyone to read back this classic, fantasy novel, as it certainly will bring you to a world of creativity and let your imagination run wild.

Loh Khang Wen
4 Cergas

Friday, May 16, 2014

Charlie Bone and the Red Knight, by Jenny Nimmo

Charlie Bone and the Red Knight, by Jenny Nimmo

The novel which I have chosen to discuss is Charlie Bone and the Red knight, by the brilliant author, Jenny animal. It is the last book in the Charlie Bone series, and by far the best I have ever read. There are several reasons why I absolutely love the ending.

With the Green Enchanter defeated and the city saved, things were back to normal. While the main story plot seems to have ended, there were a few loose ends to tie up. Mainly, the wills of Charlie's ancestors have to be found in order to discover the true heir to the Bloor fortune. Instead of revealing the exact documents of the will, Jenny writes that Lyell Bone, Charlie's father had hidden it right under a chair in the cathedral so many years ago, which is truly hidden in plain sight. The next phase to break is how to open the box containing the documents, for the box bore no lock of any kind. Here, Jenny shows us one more time Charlie's power being used by letting him travel into the picture of the box and figuring out the lock from within. There is a secret twist here, which makes the ending all the more interesting. While Paton Yewbeam had discovered that the Septimus Bloor had left his belongings to his descendants, they originally thought it was a certain Billy Raven who inherited the fortune. Instead, the inheritance was passed down from father to son, mother to daughter and by sheer coincidence, passed onto Lyell himself, which meant that the Bloor academy actually belongs to Charlie's father. Another mystery is solved.

The next step was to convince the present owners to hand over the academy. While the judge may rule that Lyell was the indisputable heir to the Bloor fortune, Ezekiel Bloor was not willing to budge. Jenny included another surprise here — Ezekiel's great-grandson Manfred finally has control over his fiery power, which has only been used by the first ancestor, Borlath. He threatened to burn the place to the ground, but instead was crushed to death by Ezekiel's wheelchair when Blessed, Ezekiel's dog accidentally pushed the wheelchair off a flight of stairs. With the evil seat of power, Ezekiel and Manfred, gone, Dr Bloor agreed to hand over the academy without further obstructions. Truly, the bad guys in this story have finally gone, with all the other minor antagonists escaping the city and moving far away.

Another case about an unadopted child, Billy Raven, has been solved. Being orphaned at a young age, Billy had only been taken care of the Bloors only because he had nearly been the hero of the Bloor inheritance. Now that they were gone, there was no one else left to take care of him. He stayed with Benjamin first, but then moved to the Silks and finally to the Gunns. They wanted to adopt him, but no one could tell if he was truly happy about the arrangement. Finally, Billy met Lyell, who told him that they would like to adopt him. Jenny wrote that Billy was adopted by the family he loved best, and also has his best friend as his foster brother. Such a happy ending for the little guy.

One thing I love about the ending of this story is how Jenny tries to follow the story into the present, using present tenses in the epilogue. This shows that all evil has been eradicated — the Branco's cafe lies abandoned, the Bloor Academy opened with a new name, the Bone Academy and Paton and Julia who met in the first book are finally married in the eighth book. The Bone Academy's green kitchen queen has been replaced by cheerful Maisie Jones instead of the grumpy Bertha Weedon, and the Pets Cafe which had been closed down earlier had been reopened with a grand celebration. The entire series ends with Billy telling Charlie that 'Emma and Tancred are holding hands', implying that they are finally in a relationship after so, so many years. Truly, Jenny has devised a happy and suitable ending for every character in this book.

Ho Jin Jonathan
4 Cergas
15th May 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

I’ve been reading John Green’s collection recently and now let me share with you, “Will Grayson, Will Grayson.” Indeed Will Grayson meets Will Grayson.

I do love the ending. It gave me a warm feeling. The story ends with a guy named Tiny Cooper which is a friend of both Will Grayson. Well even though he is gay, but the way he stands for it caught my heart. In this whole wide world, people judge, it is a human nature, we sure unconsciously judge anyone but we cannot judge a person by its cover. Tiny Cooper puts on a play which directs his own life story. Round of applause, he gets.

“Stop thinking about landing, because it’s all about falling”

Maybe there is something you’re afraid to say, or someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you’re afraid to go, it’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt because it matters. Give yourself a chance, enjoy what you love to do, sometimes the process of achieving it act as the most memorable ones but not the results.

In this small auditorium, there are so many Will Grayson. Despite the first two, there are a lot more outside the world. You just have to say, this is fate. Many people share a same name but they surely have a different story.

“My name is Tiny Cooper and this is my story.”

Low Pui San
4 Cergas