Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Eleanor & Park 
Rainbow Rowell
Lesson Learnt

     The book that i have read is Eleanor & Park. If you have not read this book, you have not lived! Ive been hearing everyone talking about how adorable this story is so i decided to give it a try. Rainbow Rowell (the author) managed to take my breath away with an incredibly cute and sad story that was beautifully written. This story is set in 1986 and i would trade anything to be able to see the scenery. Theres so many interesting events but to cut it short, this story is about Eleanor, a 16 years old girl who has been through so many hard times in her life that met Park, an Asian boy who is interested in music and comic books. This book took the readers through eleanor and park’s romance. Its like their lives didn't make any sense, until they met one another. They were misfits;they were outcast but when they were together, they were the world, like nothing else matters. 

       The lesson that i have learnt from reading this novel is to always trust one another. Eleanor, the girl with red hair has always had a very low self esteem that makes her question everything. She questioned why park loves her. She doubted everything. Park thinks; “Eleanor was right: She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn’t supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.” But then she started to trust him, she trust his love. I truly believe that her relationship with Park boost her confidence and self esteem. Therefore, i learnt that we need love to inspire us, family love & friend love. 

      This book showed me how easily it is to judge people, even strangers. Someone that we took a glance at, less than thirty seconds we could have came out with a statement about that person that may not even be true. We judge then we claimed and believe that it is a fact, which is a ridiculous assumption if you ask me. How could u know a fact about a person without even getting to know that particular person? But then again, it is a said to be a human nature, judging.  Park first impression of Eleanor was mean. He judged her and what she was wearing. He thought that she wears weird clothes because she wants to stand out; she wants attention; she does it on purpose. He assumed, he did not ask. The truth is, Eleanor was poor, she couldn't afford new clothes. Her clothes are mostly old and full with patches. Next is Park’s mother. Park’s mother doesn't like Eleanor at first. she thought Eleanor is a bad influence because she comes from a family of trouble. but she soon realized there is more of Eleanor rather than her clothes and big hair and she falls in love with her son’s girlfriend personality

    This book has also taught me to never give up. To hold on, and the time will come. At the end of this book there was complication and Eleanor had to leave. They had promised to write each other and park never stopped but eleanor never started. she was quiet. Park then stopped writing, but he still hopes for her. He would go to Eleanor’s old house and just stood at the sidewalk. At the end, Eleanor sent him a postcard. A postcard with three words. It only took him a postcard with three words to fall in love with her again. 


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