Friday, January 31, 2014

Diary of wimpy kid 'Hard luck'


The story that  i have read is Diary of Wimpy Kid 'Hard Luck' by Jeff Kinney. The main character of the story is Greg Heffly. This story is about Gerg Heffly facing a new streak of bad luck.

            The story start when Greg Heffly facing a new streak of bad luck when his best friend Rowley betaryed him and ditching him for his girlfriend Abigail and Gerg is finding it extremely difficult to find new friend. His mother, tells him that friends come and go, but family is forever. Greg thought that he and his family weren't meant to be. Greg need to find a good friend  who willing to carry his books and a friend to stay with him to appreciate him when gets older.

             During the visit of mom's family, Greg had to sleep in his elder brother room (Rodrick) on the ground. When Greg was dressed he saw Magic 8 ball under Rodrick bed. The Magic 8 ball have change his life as he always depends on the Magic 8 ball in making decision.

              In the end of the book ,Greg breaks his Magic 8 ball and find Meemaw's ring, which was inside an Easter egg. Greg and Rowley become friend again.

   Nik faridzuan        

Burn For Burn

Burn For Burn
by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian

The novel that i have chosen is “Burn For Burn” by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian. This book is about three girls who are planning for a sweet revenge. Each one of them has someone that they despise for some personal reasons. 

The girl that in my opinion has the worst problem is Mary. She is a kind and polite girl. She is very quiet and shy. The one she wants to get back to is Reeve. Before Reeve came, she was a popular kid, she had good grades and everyone wanted to be her friends. At first, she wanted to befriend Reeve whom at that time was a new kid but then Reeve sort of turned her offer down and insulted her by calling her ‘fat’. They were from an island so they had to take a ferry to go to school together. Reeve started to act nice to her on the ferry but as soon as they reached the mainland, he’ll start to mock her. However, she doesn’t care as long as he is nice to her when they are on the ferry. One day, someone saw them talking and Reeve started to get embarrassed. He mocked her and suddenly pushed her out of the ferry. She fell and nearly drowned. Luckily, someone jumped in and saved her. Just when she thought nothing worse could happened, she realized that she was wearing a white shirt and it became a see-through shirt when wet.  She was so embarassed when everybody on board was staring at her. When she got home she tried to hang herself because she was so depressed. However, as soon as she kicked the stool she realized that she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live. At that moment her mother saved her.

The next girl is Kat, the ‘rock star’. She doesn’t care about what people say. She is sassy, she stands up for herself and she doesn’t depends on anyone. She is that kind of girl who’s interested in bikes instead of make ups. She used to be friends with Rennie before Lillia came in the picture. Kat was then neglected and left alone because she stopped being social when her mum was diagnosed with cancer. When they entered high school their friendship was officially over. Rennie started rumors saying that Kat is obsessed with her and that she is a lesbian which was absolutely not true. Kat being the Kat that doesn’t give a damn then decided to ignore all the eyes and the hatred. One day, Rennie mocked her infront of  Alex. In which she decided that she had enough. She knew she doesn’t deserve this and spitted on  Rennie. When she knew Lillia had problem with Alex, she came up with the idea to revenge on Rennie for all the hard time she gave her. Kat also had a crush on Alex Linds who is Lillia’s friends since childhood.

In regards to each other character portrayed, my favorite was Lillia. She is an Asian girl who has a little sister whom she cares about more than anything. She came from a wealthy family. She is Rennie’s best friend although Rennie always belittled her. She has always been Rennie’s shadow. The reason why she agreed with this plan was because Kat told her that she saw Alex sleeping with her sister. Therefore, as a very protective sister she wanted to put a revenge on Alex. However, she figured out later that Alex was trying to help her sister who got drunk at a party. Although her character seemed a little bit over the top, after reading the book until the end then i understand the reason why she cared so much about her sister’s life.  She did not want her sister to have a life she had. I also found out that Alex has a crush on Lillia ever since they were kids. Kat took this opportunity to watch Alex suffered because she thought Alex had cheated on her. 

At the end of this book they all managed to revenge each one of their so called friends. But there were chaos. This book ended with such suspense. 

p/s if youre interested in reading this book please read the second book as well which is called ‘Fire with Fire’ and the upcoming one which will be out on Fall 2014 thanks

Jasmine Faiqah

The book that I have chosen to read is "DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: HARD LUCK". This book in one interesting and funny book. I couldn't stop laughing and somehow relating this book to my life while reading this book. I highly recommend this book to whoever out there that has a taste for humor. Following what happened in The Third Wheel, this book follows Greg Heffley as he finds himself facing a new streak of bad luck and a whole new set of challenges to face in his life. His best friend Rowley Jefferson,has betrayed him and is also currently ditching him for Abigail, and Greg is finding it extremely difficult to find new friends. His mother tells him that friends come and go, but family is forever. Greg, though, believes that he and his family weren't meant to be.
Greg is upset that things that he and Rowley like to do are now over because Abigail won't let Rowley do them. Things like the Five-Second Rule and French Fry Fridays are now a thing of the past bacause Abigail moved to the Couple's Table in the canteen and brought Rowley with her as he is her boyfriend, which is mostly empty, now that every couple that went to the Valentine's Dance together in the previous book, have broken up. Rowley, though, believes Greg is just jealous. And now, Greg desperately needs a friend who can replace Rowley, someone who can write in cursive-and scout for dog poop.
Greg needs a good friend who carries his books. But since Rowley is carrying Abigail's books,Greg uses his father's roller bag. His mother tells him that childhood friends don't always last forever, but Greg wants one friend to stay with to appreciate him when he gets older. But the Slumber Party Pals books just tell him guy and girl friendships are just too different to accept.
Before Rowley and Greg are enrolled to Superhero Training Academy, they were professional skaters . Afterwards, different clubs are introduced, all of them trying to make recess the best they can. The game, Girls Chase Boys, and its opponent, Boys Chase Girls, is also shown. Hero Points are also shown, but are crossed out very early, because Erik gets a hold of them, and creates copies for kids to buy.
During the visit of Mom's family, Greg sleeps in Rodrick's room on the ground. There he finds Rodrick's old Magic 8 Ball. That changes his life. WELL FOR AWHILE AT LEAST...
Later, Greg considers buying a science fair project (since he has no idea on what to do) from a group of bad kids, who made themselves a shop at the storage room which they sell old book reports, history projects, etc. but Greg changes his mind once he thinks about the possibility of getting caught. Greg is glad he did, because someone ratted the kids out and the Teachers raided the storage room. The consequences for the kids involve detention every school day for the rest of the year, and possibly an automatic trip to summer school.
In the end of the book, Greg breaks his Magic 8 Ball. Greg and Rowley become close friends again, or at least until another fight starts up down the road, but for now, things are good.

File:Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hard Luck.jpg Book report done by: PUGHAL

Life of Pi - Pavitran

             The storybook that I read was Life of Pi. And yes, I did read it before the movie was released. Life of Pi is a Canadian fantasy adventure novel by Yann Martel published in 2001. This book was recommended to me by my primary school teacher. I couldn’t really recall what her name was.
             The story is basically about Pi Patel surviving is lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a male Bengal tiger nicknamed Richard Parker. Pi’s dad decided to move to Canada for specific reasons (to sell the zoo animals). So, his family board on a Japanese cargo ship with the animals and out of the blue, there is a storm, followed by a shipwrecking. Pi was the only one to survive together with the animals mentioned above.
            Pi Patel is a vegetarian raised in India. He got his name from a famous swimming pool in France. His schoolmates always teased him by calling him Pissing (funny). Pi also memorized the value of pi to the hundredths of values. At the time of the story he is sixteen years old. There are many moral values we can learn from Pi. First off, he is very passionate. He loves to swim. Besides that, he is a resilient young man. No matter how much his schoolmates tease him, he excels in his academic performances. In addition to that, he is very courageous/brave. He manages to survive a shipwreck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, all by himself with an aggressive hyena and a tiger at the age of sixteen! Enough said.
            As a conclusion, Pi Patel has so many good values in him. He is a very good role model for others.

 Forbidden Sea  by Sheila A.Nielson

The novel that I read is Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson. The main character of this story is Adrianne Keynnman. She is a thin and has a pale looking face. She is fourteen years old. She lives with her mother Giselle, nine year old sister Cecily and aunt Minnah. Adrianne is a very responsible and hardworking girl. She became the person incharge in her family since her father passed away two years ago. She is the one looking after her family.

Moreover, she is a very brave girl. She is almost lose her sister, Cecily in the sea when a mermaid tried to pull her. She was very brave until she fought back the mermaid with every ounce of her strength to protect her little sister.

In addition, she is a loving and caring person. For example, she loved her mother and sister very much. She took care of her sick mom when she was very ill. She did all the housework, milk the cows and so on. She was very determined to protect her family when the mermaid attempts to lure her into the sea, night and day. From that day onwards, she became more careful about her family’s safety.

Adrianne is a very quiet and a demure girl. She doesn’t talk much even to her aunt. The boys in her village always tease her and make her angry. Although she loses her temper every time, she still stays calm and relaxed. She doesn’t want any fight to happen.  

                                                                    Sheila A. Nielson

Rachana Mylvaganam
4 Cergas
31 January 2014

 The Switch by Anthony Horowitz

The novel I read is 'The Switch' by Anthony Horowitz. The main character of this story is 13-year-old Thomas Arnold David—Tad. He is a spoiled child and is like a large, contented cat curled up in the lap of luxury. It all started when his parents denied his wish to go to a theme park. Carelessly, he wishes to be 'somebody else,' and poof, he wakes up in the body of carnival worker and sometime thief Bob Snarby.

 That is when he started to realise what is the cruel reality. Reality beyond the warm and cozy mansion that he was living. Tad had to help his parents (Bob's parents). On the same carnival ground there is a caravan with a freaky guy called Dr. Aftexcludor and his assistant from the Arambayan tribe of Brazil. Dr. Aftexcludor enlightened him about the stars that are responsible for the changes that happened to him. Meanwhile on the other side, Bob Snarby who is now in Ted's body enjoys the luxury life. As Bob, Tad finds himself nabbed by the police and deposited at a home for troubled children that is, ironically, run by Tad’s father.

While there, Tad learns some awful truths about his father’s business. His father uses homeless children as experiment rats for his cosmetic products. He vows never to return home even if he returns to his proper body. While the events that transpire in this winsome adventure are delightfully absurd, the transformation that Tad undergoes strikes a genuine note. It is the young person’s journey to self-definition writ large. Dramatically and irrevocably separated from his family, Tad sees his parents from another perspective and in a broader context, which enables him to begin to establish a moral compass for himself that is much different from his father’s. 

                                                                                             Anthony Horowitz


Priiya Paramasivam
4 Cergas
31st January 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

     The novel that I have read is Something Borrowed by Martina Reilly. The novel is about a woman who found out that she was adopted and she wants to trace her birth mother. The main character in this novel is Victoria McCarthy. Her nickname is Vicky. 

     When Vicky was twelve, she found out that she was adopted. She felt shocked and also relieved because she always felt different from her family. Since that day, she became distant from her family. She felt that her parents lied to her. Her cousins always teased her. 

     Vicky loves to watch kids looking for something to buy and going out with smiles plastered to their faces. She also loves toys. Now, she works as the manager of a toy shop owned by Albert O’Neill, one of the most successful businessmen in the country. Albert employed only one worker to help Vicky. The worker’s name is Bridie. Vicky and Bridie works together to run the toy shop. Vicky’s parents are so proud of her.

     Vicky lives with her friend, Sal. They have been friends since primary school. Sal is a journalist. Vicky always went out with Sal. They had so much fun. When Sal’s journalist friend joins them, Vicky felt left out. Vicky hates it when she needs to share her friend with someone else. When Vicky travels around the world, she got a new Germany friend, Jorge. When he came to visit Vicky, Sal did not acknowledge him. When he mentioned that his father is a big financier in the German stock market, Sal immediately paid attention to him. Sal and Jorge became friends. Sal showed him around. Vicky was left out. When they invite her to join them, she refuse. When Jorge went home, Vicky had a big row with Sal.

     Vicky loves her parents even though they are not her real parents because they raise her up. When Vicky was finding her birth mother, she rarely calls and visits her parents. She took a long leave and went home to spend time with her parents. Her mother’s flu is getting worse. Her father called a doctor to check her mother. The doctor called an ambulance to bring her mother to the hospital. Her mother was recovering fast. Suddenly she got a stroke. Then, she dies. Vicky felt so sad because she have been to busy finding her birth mother and managing the toy shop to visit her mother. Vicky was sad when she found out that her mother had angina and she didn’t tell her.

     When Vicky decided to find her birth mother, her parents were mad, but they tried to help her because Vicky said that she felt a part of her was missing and finding her birth mother can help her to understand who she is. Her parents gave her the name of the adoption company. Within a few weeks, the company found some information about her birth mother. Her name is Barbara. She was only nineteen when she gave Vicky away. The adoption company contacted Barbara and informed her that Vicky wants to have a connection with her. At first, they wrote letters to each other. Then, they started talking on the phone. In the end, they met and became close.

Irdhina Nazifah
4 Cergas

A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks

The novel I read is “A Walk To Remember” by Nicholas Sparks. The main character in this novel is Jamie Sullivan. Her mother died during giving birth to her and her father raised her all by himself. Jamie is a very kind hearted person as she loves to help the orphans. She also loved to read her bible which was left by her mother. Jamie always had a wish to marry in the church where her parents got married. She was also a very attentive student as she always had best grades in her studies. Moreover, she didn’t spend time going to ‘slumber parties’ with the other girls in her school and she was not one of the popular student in the school.              
         One day,  Landon , the student body president asked Jamie as his date to attend the school dance. Jamie was not the popular student in the school and  she was a very religious person and her father was the Beaufort church minister, Hergbert Sullivan. Landon, one of the popular students had to ask her even though he was reluctant to go to the dance with someone like her. She agreed to go for the school dance with him.
         A few days later, Jamie asked Landon to join the school drama. Landon agreed to be part of it even though he had no interest in it. Some days, Landon was even walking Jamie home after the drama rehearsal as he’s home was on the way to hers. Landon felt embarrassed as he was teased by his friends for spending time with Jamie as she was not one of the popular girls in the school. After some time, Landon enjoyed spending time with her even though it felt strange. Finally, as Landon and Jamie started to spend more time together, they fell in love with each other. 

        One day, Jamie insisted that Landon cannot be in love with her. As Landon demanded an explanation, it was revealed that she’s got leukemia and she was in the final stage of leukemia. Landon was devastated.  As days passed, Jamie was getting weaker. So, she had to stay in the hospital. Landon was always by her side. One day, while sitting next to Jamie while she slept, Landon came up with an idea to fulfill her wish. He ran to the church to find Hegbert and asked him for permission to marry Jamie. While Hegbert is reluctant, his refusal to deny Landon's request is seen by Landon as approval. Landon ran back to Jamie's side and asks, "Will you marry me?". Finally, Landon married Jamie in the church where her parents got married and she died soon after. Jamie was always a strong girl and that is why I love her character. 
" You're a wonderful person, Jamie. You're beautiful, you're kind,  you're gentle ...  you're everything I'd like to be. "  Landon said this when he first confessed his love to Jamie…

Loshini Sivaraja
4 Cergas
31 January 2014

Staying Strong : 365 days a year by Demi Lovato

               This amazing book is a 'tell-all' about Demi Lovato that is written by herself for her fans. This book shares about her own journey. I, myself would describe Demi as a hardworking, kind, brave, loving and a strong human being.

               Demetria Devonne Lovato also known as Demi Lovato is a 21 year old singer, songwriter, actress and philantrophist. She has been in the music industry for nearly a decade now. Demi made her debut as a child actress on 'Barney and friends' when she was just 7 years old. Nowadays, the name Demi Lovato is known all around the world.

                The reason why I said Demi is a hardworking person is because at a tender age she has became  a singer and successfully released 4 albums. Because of her hardworking attitude, all of her albums were a big success to her. Her first album, "Dont Forget", sold more than 500 thousand copies worldwide. Her success continued with her second album, "Here We go Again", which sold more than two million copies worldwide. Demi's third album, "Unbroken" is her most successful album yet, the album has sold more than 3 million copies worldwide and has been nominated for numerous awards. During May last year, Demi released her fourth album called "Demi". The album has sold more than six hundred thousand copies worldwide by December 2013.

                Demi's life wasn't always at the top. When she was 18, she checked into a rehab centre for personal problems such as eating disorder and self-harming. According to Demi, she has been dealing with those issues ever since she was young. Because of her bravery and self motivation, she chose to seek help and get healthy again.

               Naturally, Demi is a strong-willed lady. Living her whole life getting judged and bullied by the people around her and the world ever since she started in this industry, Demi has kept her head up high and has ignored all the hates and harsh comments made about her. She chose to be her true self and persevered all those negative elements. 

               One of the many reasons why I love Demi is because she is also a loving person. She loves her family, friends and most importantly her fans which are called 'Lovatics'. Demi has helped her fans to get through similar problems that she has dealt with. She once said 'I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for my fans' because her fans are the one who helped her to get through the difficult times in her life. 

               Another positive personal trait that Demi possessed is that she is also a kind person. She has been helping people who are in need.  She has been working with charities to help the poor in all over the countries. Because of her kindness, she was awarded for her dedication as a mentor to the teens and young adults with mental health challenges at a National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day in May 2013. In late June 2013, she announced the creation of the Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program, named after her late father, to help people suffering from mental illness by paying for their treatment and by late August 2013, Demi travelled to Kenya, Africa for her birthday to participate in a program created by the International Charity Organization "Free The Children".

              Because of all these reasons, people simply love and adore Demi Lovato.

Mohamad Adri Irman
4 Cergas 2014


The Lord Of The Rings
                The Fellowship Of The Ring

The Lord Of The Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by the famous J.R.R      Tolkien. The title of this novel is based on the Dark Lord Sauron and his desire the rule all of  Middle Earth with the One Ring. A character who I truly grew fond of while reading this book is  Gandalf The Grey. Gandalf is portrayed as a tall old wizard with white hair and a long beard  while  also wearing a grey cloak and a hat.
          The reason why I truly admire this character is because of his traits. In the course of  this novel, Gandalf shows leadership qualities as he has shown so in being a mentor to Frodo  Baggins, the adoptive heir of Bilbo Baggins. Gandalf has given advice to Frodo on several  occasions and knows the limitations to his powers as he rejected taking hold of The One Ring  from Bibo and passing it on to Frodo instead as if such powers were to be in his hands, it may  turn him rogue and may endanger the lives of many.

                  Besides that, Gandalf is also a very wise and intelligent character as seen many  times throughout the course of this novel. He has used his intelligence to search information on  The Dark Lord, Sauron's resurgence and on The One Ring possessed by Bilbo before passed  on to Frodo. He then befriended Aragorn, heir of Islidur, the man who cut the ring of Sauron's  hand. Gandalf soon became suspicious of Saruman, a fellow wizard who is the leader of the  Istari.

               And lastly, Gandalf the grey is a very brave and courageous character. A good  example of this is when he went against Saruman The White after finding out his desire for  Sauron's power and to help The Dark Lord take over Middle Earth. Besides that, another event  that shows Gandalf's bravery is when Gandalf fought the Balrog on the Bridge of Khazad Dum  to enable The Fellowship to escape from the Mines Of Moria. Gandalf broke the bridge  beneath The Balrog with his staff causing The Balrog to fall deep into the abyss. But the Balrog  then wrapped it's whip around Gandalf's leg. Thus, dragging down Gandalf as well. This was Gandalf's last  appearance in this book and his final words to the members of The Fellowship were "Run you fools".

             Although it seems that Gandalf perished in those mines, is he really dead ? In  conclusion, Gandalf the Grey is a character who I truly admire for his traits and just the way he  brings this feeling into the atmosphere. In fact, I myself have been fantasizing about this  character and how awesome he is. Here is a picture of Gandalf in the movie adaptaion of The  Lord Of The Rings, The Fellowship Of The Ring. 

 Imran Shah
4 Cergas
30th of January 2014

The Swan Thieves 

        The novel that I had read is The Swan Thieves", authored by Elizabeth Kostova. This story is about Dr. Andrew Marlow, a psychiatrist where his perfectly ordered life was destroyed by a well-known artist, Robert Oliver. Previously, Robert attacked a canvas in the National Gallery and became his patient. Dr. Andrew Marlow had the responsibility to find out the reason as to why Robert Oliver attacked the canvas.

        Dr. Andrew Marlow helped his patient, Robert, to recover from his mental illness. As Robert refused to speak, Andrew decided to consult the former's ex-wife, Kate Oliver. He went to Greenhill to find Kate. At first, Kate did not want to talk about Robert, her ex-husband, as it would relive her 'nightmare'. But, Andrew's determination touched her. She took a few mornings to reveal the whole story about Robert from her point of view. The story had brought Andrew closer to the truth.

        From the story told by Kate, Andrew went to meet one of Robert's lover, Mary Bertison. Mary is the only person who Robert trusted. Robert told her the identity of the woman he always painted, but he never even mention to his wife about the woman. Andrew was told that Robert saw the woman a few times in the museum and could never shake the image of her from his mind. 

        Andrew believed that the woman painted by Robert did existed. So, he went on a trip to the museum. At first, Andrew was disappointed as he did not find the woman he was looking for. All seemed to be in vain until he turned away to search for the exit. He glimpsed a portrait of that woman and he drew closer to the portrait. It was a portrait of Beatrice de Clerval, drawn by Olivier Vignot. This shows that Andrew's trusting towards Robert paid off thoroughly. 

        Finally, Robert spoke, recovering from his mental illness. 

- Tan Cheng Faye -
- 4 Cergas -
- 30th January 2014 -

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

The story that I have read is "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days" by Jeff Kinney. It is the fourth book of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. The main character of the story is Greg Heffley. This book is about how Greg Heffley spends his summer.

The story starts off with Greg expecting to stay home all summer and do nothing but play video games. His mom urges him to try to get out of the house, but he doesn't buy it because he's learnt from experience.

When he and Rowley go to Rowley's country club, they bring a girl, Trista, along, but then she starts talking to some lifeguard and ignores the people who took her there. One unlucky day, Rowley's dad shows up at Greg's house and expects Greg to pay for all the smoothies he's ordered at the country club. Greg and Rowley start a lawn mowing business. A customer shows up and Greg gives her bad quality lawn mowing. Then his dad comes and finishes the job, but the lady stiffs Greg.

All these unfortunate events and more make him want to stay home for the rest of the summer. But as with all his plans, everything goes exactly the opposite.

The following are the character traits of Greg Heffley:
·        Understanding. Greg is a scheming, enterprising, and understanding teenager, who seems to understand where he fits in the society, though he would love the chance to make himself popular.
·        Lazy. Greg is also a lazy student as he prefer to stay home all day and play with his video games instead of socializing. He also doesn’t like playing sports which makes him less active of a student and lazy.
·        Loner. Greg doesn’t like socializing and is socially awkward. Greg has only one friend and his name is Rowley. At times, he likes to act weird as well.
·        Selfish. In my opinion, Greg is very selfish. Most of what he does benefits himself and not others. Even though Greg is selfish most of the time, there are times when he does nice things for people.

Wimpy Kid 4 Cover Art.jpg
Choong Kee Sam
4 Cergas
30 January 2014

A Study In Scarlet-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The novel I have read is A Study In Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Although Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had wrote 56 short stories featuring Sherlock Holmes, A Study In Scarlet is one of only four full-length novels in the original canon. 
Shelock Holmes is the main character of this story. The story begins in 1881, when Dr.Watson having returned to London from Afghanistan. He is looking for a place to live. His old friend, Stamford then introduced him to Shelock Holmes, who is also looking for someone to split the rent at a flat at 221B Baker Street. Dr. Watson has amazed by Holmes profound knowledge.
Sherlock Holmes is well-known as a "consulting detective". He is an observant, intelligent and perceptive person. For example, when the police ,head detectives Lestrade and Gregson show up at the doorstep, stumped by a crime about the mystery behind the murder of Joseph Stangerson, they turn to amateur detective Sherlock Holmes for help. Holmes uses his intelligence and keen observing skills. He observers closely all the evidence at the murder site such as a container of pills and a wedding ring. There was the German word “ Rache” (which means revenge)smeared on the wall in blood while examining the room in which Joseph Stangerson was murdered. The case seemed complicated and almost unsolvable but Holmes solved the case at last with his intelligence.
Besides, Sherlock Holmes uses his knowledge to deduce that the victim died from poison and supplies a description of the murderer. He concluded that the murderer is six feet tall and has a florid complexion, wearing square toed boots, and smoking a Trichinopoly cigar. Holmes’s logical and analytical reasoning skills also help him to know that the murderer’s right-hand fingernails are long and he came in a cab whose horse had three old shoes and a new one. It is his knowledge and logical and analytical skills that help him to build a credible profile of the murderer for Inspector Lestrade and solve the case.
Sherlock Homes is also a man of principles and can be trusted. His trustworthiness is seen when he sets people at ease and wins their confidence easily. Jefferson Hope, the murderer of Drebber and Stangerson discloses to him that the reason he killed both of them.  Later, Hope was taken to the police station but asks to tell his tale because he would not be going to be able to have a trial or go to prison. Holmes learned this was because Hope had an aortic aneurism that could burst any day. Holmes shows his understanding and kindness by allowing Hope to finish his confession at last. The next day, Hope was discovered dead of the aneurism, a peaceful smile upon his face.
The novel ends with Holmes and Watson reading a newspaper article about the end of the investigation. It only mentions Holmes as an amateur detective who helped but gave primary credit to Lestrade and Gregson. He is a low profile individual. Maybe this is the main reason I like him, Sherlock Holmes.

Koo Chong Jing
4 Cergas
30th January 2014 

                      The Greyhound of a Girl - Roddy Doyle

The storybook that I have read is titled , "The Greyhound of a Girl" , written by Roddy Doyle. Set in the heart of Ireland , this family adventure kicks off when Mary O'Hara , a 12-year-old girl and main character , meets the ghost of her great-grandmother. Over the course of the story , 4 generations of daughters , Mary , her mother , her grandmother and her great-grandmother , not only make loose ends of the past meet , but also obtain a further understanding of it.

Mary had a friend named Ava. Ava's parents had decided to move to a different part of Dublin. That sickened Mary. Mary had a short argument with Ava's mother when she tried to persuade her to let Ava stay with her family instead. She couldn't understand why parents - Ava's parents - aren't as devoted as she is when it comes to friendships and let their child - Ava - stay. Now , Mary has to walk back home alone , more often than not , feeling Ava beside her. Her heart can only sink as she turns her head and find Ava's absence. She knows for herself that Ava isn't there but it sure doesn't feel like it. Ava has now become Mary's phantom limb.

Mary has two older brothers whom she used to be close with. But over time , their physical and personal nature began changing , presumably from puberty , and Mary had never been a big fan of it. In Mary's eyes , they had turned into aliens. She was worried that she too would turn into the aliens her brothers are now. She wasn't concerned , however , about the changes to her body , but instead to the changes that happened to her brothers ; the changes that turned them into strangers.

Mary had this daily routine where she would enter her parent's bedroom and ask them , "Did you brush your teeth?" and other basic things a parent would say or ask their child. She had been doing that for years, after a memorable time when she read her father a bedtime story. But one night while walking back to her room , she realised something . Eventually , she wouldn't want to do it anymore . And soon enough she would stop doing this very thing she does every night , and that made Mary sad . Just simply put , as a child , how can you accept the fact that you won't be doing something anymore after doing it for years?

Yong Renn Kai
If we could meet by the sea
Before I go though one of the main characters in the story, I will give an introduction to the story. This story talks about the story of Tom Sterner, a young part time assassin who is driven by hatred to avenge his family who were brutally murdered in front of him during his 13th birthday. He is ordered by his master who is also his guardian,  Mr Kinton to finish his studies in high school before he can start off his life as a full time assassin and seek his revenge. In school , Alice Marlyn, school reporter, above average IQ and above average curiosity, is curious about Tom, widely known as ‘the invisible boy’ in school and decides to follow him back to his home after school and that’s how they met and things started to change for Tom and Alice…
The character I will write about would be Alice Marlyn, she is a very observant person and literally nothing slips past her. For example, there was once when Tom was late to school, he actually jumped right into the school through the back gate to avoid being caught and no one else but Alice who was observing it from a tight angle in her class saw him do that, and that was how she started to have an interest in him.
On the other hand, Alice is a person born with the curiosity that could even surpass the likes of Isaac Newton. She was so curios about Tom that she even followed him back home and almost got herself killed by Tom before she could find out where he lived. But even so, she stilled followed him back the next day only to find that he had no home n lived in a tent by the sea.
Kindness is also another one of Alice’s many wonderful traits. When she found out that Tom had no home and has lived by himself all along, she decided to offer him a place to stay at her place. Although Tom refused her offer and threatened to kill her again, she still constantly came out to the seaside to visit him, try to talk to him and occasionally bring in some provisions for him. That is how Tom started to grow softspot for her and fall for her.
Moving on, Alice is also a very determined person, when she found out that Tom had such a dark past, she put in all her effort to help him clear his hatred and live live more freely. She made Tom have lunch with her and her friends, she signed Tom to audition for the singing competition with her for a duet, but most importantly and unintentionally, she gave Tom someone who he could depend on, a shoulder he could cry on, a person who would listen and a person who he could love.
Lastly, Alice is a self sacrificing person. For Tom, she sacrificed time with her family, she decided to spend time with Tom rather than go to the mall with her friends, she even skiped her sister’s wedding to help Tom with one of his missions. But her biggest sacrifice was, she took the blame for making Tom become soft, for making Tom think of living like a normal person again for making Tom disobey Mr Kinto. Mr Kinton had her in his arms with a knife on her throat by the egde of a cliff by the sea with Tom trying to find a way to save her but Alice had other ideas, she  made Tom promise to live his life as a normal person again, to quit everything that involve his family’s murder and to continue living happily without her in this world... and with that she pushed herself n Mr Kinton down into the merciless sea.
In conclusion,  Alice is an observant, very curious, kind, determined and self sacrificing person.

“You wanted me to live like a normal person again, well every normal person dies. You wanted me to quit everything that involves my families murder, what better way to do that than to not be in that world . You wanted me to live happily without you in this world, I will live happily with you in another world”



Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Moriarty by John Gardner

The novel that I have read is Moriarty by John Gardner. This is the very last masterpiece by John Gardner as he passed away days after this book was published on 2008. The main character of this story is Professor James Moriarty- arch enemy of detective Sherlock Holmes.

   Professor James Moriarty was forced to flee England and live in America during the 1980s. He then returns to London in 1900 and found out that his huge criminal mansion has been raided, infiltrated and plundered by Idle Jack Idell, the crime boss in the story. He also possesses the evidence that one of his closest lieutenants, a member of his self-established Praetorian guard consisting of Lee Chow, Ember, Spear, and Terremant. Albert Spear and Terremant are the main members of the Praetorian Guard as they are street gangsters, mobsters and men who made decisions and had the last say. 
   As he is beginning to rebuild his empire, Moriarty realizes that Idle Jack seems to always be one step ahead of him and so he starts to look for the mole in his organisation. He now sets out to build another warehouse which will form the center of the empire.

  Besides that, he has also shown cruelness in this story. The Professor ordered the harlot to divest herself of clothes and his voice cracking like a whip so that she wailed. He knows by doing so, the superstitious men and women who had worked for him would learn that he had danced with the devil, thus they would fear him even more than before. This is such an evil thing, I cannot even bear to think of it.

   Last but not least, he also has another enemy by the name of Inspector Angus McCready Crow of the Metropolitan Police Force. Inspector Angus was extremely desperate to find out evidence of his false behavior in his business and it almost led to Moriarty's downfall.

"Sometimes when you have a year or two to spare I commend you the study of James Moriarty"-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

How Qi Ming
4 Cergas
28 January 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

A Tale of Friendship

Carol Moore
The Final Chapter

The truth is that no matter how noble or terrible our intent, we must face the consequences of our actions. But so strong and pure was Dooro and Miena's friendship that it had not gone unnoticed by the Creator. Such devotion and self-sacrifice are rare and in this case rewarded. Mysteriously, magically, wondrously, Miena and Dooro's wounds were healed -- as surely and quietly as pure love warms a frozen heart. In the twinkling of an eye they were transported halfway around the world to another continent, a new land with new woods and waterways. While transported they were transfigured. Miena lost her feathers, then her wings, which turned into arms, and a thick down of fur enveloped her body. Dooro's nose stretched and spread until it became a bill like Miena's and his body shrank, flattened and grew more compact. In this new land they became a new animal, an animal not quite a bird and not quite a mammal but a bit of both with a broad flat tail and fur softer than a beaver's, with a bill like a duck and "oviparous," which is to say it lays eggs. The Creator looked on his newest creation and saw that it was good.
For one long moment they stared into one another's eyes. Then he cried, "Miena."
She cried "Dooro."

Dooro and Miena
They fell into one another's furry arms, caring not about the how or why, but embracing and tumbling over and over with joy.
That, dear reader, is how the Platypus came to be.

 Why not read the whole story?
 Strange, but true. A love action is best shown under duress and difficult times. May all potential life partners learn the basics of true friendship and care in their love for one another for a lifetime of meaningful existence. Life is too precious to be taken lightly.

Pn Chong