Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Secret Of The Long-lost Cousin by Bruce Lansky

The Secret Of The Long-lost Cousin: Main Character

  The story I have read is The Secret Of The Long-lost Cousin by Bruce Lansky. This is a story which is about twelve-year-old amateur sleuth, Hawkeye Collins who loves to solve cases.

  In the story, the main character is Hawkeye. He is observant all the time. For example, he noticed that his father’s three little grey hairs had disappeared when he seated at the dining room table and glanced over at his father. He is also a curious and inquisitive boy. He kept asking his Dad, Mr. Collins about those three grey hairs above his right ears which he remembered seeing them yesterday. His behaviour made his Dad’s face turned red and felt embarrassing. At last, his father was forced to confess that he had pulled them out.

  Hawkeye is a mischievous boy and sometimes don’t listen to his parents’ advice. He didn’t finish his homework and had to be reminded by his father. He is keen on sport and likes to watch the World Cup game on TV. Moreover, he is talented and gifted musician. His speciality was the piano. He could play wonderfully because he often put a lot of time into it.

  Furthermore, Hawkeye is clever and smart. One day, when Hawkeye opened the door, a stranger stood at the doorstep with a briefcase in his left hand. The stranger roughly shook Hawkeye’s hand and gave him a bear hug. He claimed that he is Mrs. Collins’ cousin. Mrs. Collin was shocked and almost speechless. She was still surprised by the news.

  At night, Hawkeye tossed and turned sleeplessly for nearly an hour. Suddenly, he remembered an old family photograph his grandmother had given him. He climbed out of bed and picked up his flashlight. After a few moments of searching, Hawkeye found out a large photo album. He turned the large pages until he came to an old, brownish photograph of his grandmother’s family.

  By the beam of his flashlight, Hawkeye studied the photograph. This picture proves that Cousin Dan is a fake. Actually, Dan came here to trick Collins family into a shady investment scheme but he hadn’t reckoned on Hawkeye. Because he hadn’t actually committed a crime, the man was released and never heard from again.

  As a conclusion, Hawkeye is smart as he successfully found out that the stranger is a fake and prevented him from tricking his family.

 Teo Xialer
4 Cergas


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