Friday, January 24, 2014


Yes. The 3rd and final installment of The Hunger Games Trilogy, Mockingjay. 390 pages full of madness and thrill. From ' The Girl on Fire ' to 'Mockingjay', she, Katniss Everdeen would be the character that I am going to present to you.

            Strong. No doubt is one of her traits. For a 17 year old teenager, she managed to overcome her worst fears. Mental and physical scars from the previous games. So many problems were thrown right at her. But her mentally strong mind fought it, hard. Despite President Snow's endless attacks, on the districts, the ones she loves, she encountered it well and smartly. A little traumatized from her experiences, having vivid flashbacks to the Hunger Games, screaming uncontrollably, and in need of morphine to calm down. All of these wasn't a barrier between her and destroying the capitol.

            Brave. You have to admire her braveness. One does not simply complete the book without admiring her abilities. Transforming to the 'Mockingjay' was a big step for her. From an ordinary tribute in the games, to a symbolic leader of the rebellion. But she conquered it. She knows the rebels needed her to spearhead the capitol. With the help of her friends and teammates and the backing of President Coin, at the end she managed to win the hearts of the people and won the battle.

            Independent. Another one of her traits. Ever since her dad passed away in a coal mining accident, she eventually filled in that role her father left. She puts her family members ahead of her. Protecting them was one of the main priorities. Sadly at the end her sister, Primrose died. She was wrecked, destroyed, unhinged, and even lost her voice for several days. But at the end she avenged her sister, by terminating President Coin's life with an arrow to the head.

            Loving. Having mix feelings with both Peeta and Gale, it really confused her throughout the entire journey. Firstly confused with who she loves, then thinking Gale is 'the one' , at last she chose Peeta. At the end, Katniss believes that she has finally found the once lost feeling Peeta within her. She realizes she needs Peeta to survive because he represents hope rather than destruction, like Gale does. 

            With all the amazing traits above, how can you not love Katniss Everdeen, aka. the 'Mockingjay' ?

Foo Zhiyi
4 Cergas
24th January 2014

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