Thursday, January 30, 2014


The Lord Of The Rings
                The Fellowship Of The Ring

The Lord Of The Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by the famous J.R.R      Tolkien. The title of this novel is based on the Dark Lord Sauron and his desire the rule all of  Middle Earth with the One Ring. A character who I truly grew fond of while reading this book is  Gandalf The Grey. Gandalf is portrayed as a tall old wizard with white hair and a long beard  while  also wearing a grey cloak and a hat.
          The reason why I truly admire this character is because of his traits. In the course of  this novel, Gandalf shows leadership qualities as he has shown so in being a mentor to Frodo  Baggins, the adoptive heir of Bilbo Baggins. Gandalf has given advice to Frodo on several  occasions and knows the limitations to his powers as he rejected taking hold of The One Ring  from Bibo and passing it on to Frodo instead as if such powers were to be in his hands, it may  turn him rogue and may endanger the lives of many.

                  Besides that, Gandalf is also a very wise and intelligent character as seen many  times throughout the course of this novel. He has used his intelligence to search information on  The Dark Lord, Sauron's resurgence and on The One Ring possessed by Bilbo before passed  on to Frodo. He then befriended Aragorn, heir of Islidur, the man who cut the ring of Sauron's  hand. Gandalf soon became suspicious of Saruman, a fellow wizard who is the leader of the  Istari.

               And lastly, Gandalf the grey is a very brave and courageous character. A good  example of this is when he went against Saruman The White after finding out his desire for  Sauron's power and to help The Dark Lord take over Middle Earth. Besides that, another event  that shows Gandalf's bravery is when Gandalf fought the Balrog on the Bridge of Khazad Dum  to enable The Fellowship to escape from the Mines Of Moria. Gandalf broke the bridge  beneath The Balrog with his staff causing The Balrog to fall deep into the abyss. But the Balrog  then wrapped it's whip around Gandalf's leg. Thus, dragging down Gandalf as well. This was Gandalf's last  appearance in this book and his final words to the members of The Fellowship were "Run you fools".

             Although it seems that Gandalf perished in those mines, is he really dead ? In  conclusion, Gandalf the Grey is a character who I truly admire for his traits and just the way he  brings this feeling into the atmosphere. In fact, I myself have been fantasizing about this  character and how awesome he is. Here is a picture of Gandalf in the movie adaptaion of The  Lord Of The Rings, The Fellowship Of The Ring. 

 Imran Shah
4 Cergas
30th of January 2014

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