Wednesday, April 30, 2014

FullMetal Alchemist: The Abducted Alchemist
By: Makoto Inoue, Translated By: Alexander O. Smith, Original Concept By: Hiromu Arakawa

Be Calm During Tense Situation

When the train lines were being destroyed in a series of devastating terrorist assaults - all without a single victim, the public started to blame the authorities for their failure to nab the insurgents. Colonel Roy Mustang had kept calm while searching for the culprit. He pieced together all the evidence and eventually succeeded in catching the ring-leader behind the attacks.


Roy wouldn't have succeeded in capturing the culprit without the help from his subordinates from the East Command Branch. His subordinates had gathered all the information effectively and efficiently for him to make the necessary decisions. Edward Elric, a state alchemist, was abducted when he was travelling with his brother, Alphonse Elric. He managed to escape the abductors and found out that the abductors were, in fact, the terrorists behind the train attacks. He worked together with Roy and his team to capture the terrorists.


Edward had felt responsible as a state alchemist to lend a helping hand to others. He helped the East Command Branch to evacuate the citizens when the terrorists announced their plan to attack one of the train lines before the authorities could arrive in time. Roy was with Edward at the time of the announcement. Even though Roy was off duty after pulling an all nighters, he still performed his duty well. He and Edward managed to stop the attack from occurring before help could arrive.

- Tan Cheng Faye -
- 4 Cergas -


        For the month of April, I have read Matilda, one of the most famous works of Roald Dahl which apparently is my favourite children's books author. Matilda is a precocious young girl yet her dimwitted parents are oblivious to her prodigious skills and view her as a foolish idiotic girl.

          The lessons that I have learnt from this novel is Matilda is a gifted child. The signs could be seen as early as 18 months when she can speak fluently. She could read newspapers at age 3 and even solve double-digit multiplication in her head at age 5. 

          Next, a gifted child like Matilda often has a strong sense of ethics and morality. For an example, Matilda's father frequently talks about cheating his customers while Matilda speaks up against his actions. She plays tricks to her parents when they are mean to her in an attempt to achieve balance in an unjust sitiation. She also gets extremely upset when she was accused of things she did not do.

        Futhermore, as Matilda is a gifted child, she is mature and wise beyond her years. When Miss Honey invited Matilda over for tea, she behaved well in awareness of the situation to not embarass her companion. Miss Honey even tells Matilda, "Although you look like a child, you really are not a child at all because your mind and your powers of reasoning are fully grown-up."

            Lastly, gifted children have deep intense focus when absorbed in a certain topic. Before Matilda is old enough for school, she is absorbed into reading books the entire day. When she starts school and Miss Honey differentiate her work with others by giving her a geometry book to read and study, Matilda is absolutely absorbed in the book. She never glanced up once during the entire class. 

"So Matilda's young mind continued to grow, nurtured by voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into the world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a warm message ; You are not alone."         
                                                                                                                                  - Roald Dahl 

Hani Nadhirah
4 Cergas 

                                           The Lord Of The Rings
                          The Two Towers

         The novel that I have read for this month's book report is J.R.R Tolkien's The Two Towers. This novel is about Frodo Baggins' journey to Mordor to destroy the One Ring while the rest of The Fellowship fights the evil forces of Mordor.

         One of the lessons that I have learned is we must always be who we truly are. The hobbits grew in stature through the story, but never tried to live up to any sense of who they might be but themselves.

         Besides that, I've also learned that the love of friends is stronger than the love of power. The loyalty of Sam towards Frodo has never been in doubt. Sam refrained from being tempted by the One Ring possessed by Frodo and gave Frodo support in times of despair.

        Lastly, I have learned to be courageous. Despite knowing the fact that they might not return home, Frodo and Sam went through all the dangers of Middle Earth as well as Aragorn and company's determination to defend Helm's Deep from the Uruk Hai.

      The Two Towers is a book which I truly enjoyed reading. I will also take the lessons I have learnt in this book as an example in my life's journey.

4 Cergas

To Kill a Mockingbird

               For this month I have decided to do my book report on a book that I have adored since the first time I read it. The lessons that i have learnt throughout my time reading To Kill a Mockingbird varies from many different aspects.

               Firstly, I have learnt that we should always respect others. For example, Atticus always addresses Mayella as ma'am, despite all the trouble she has put Tom Robinson in. Atticus believes that everyone should be shown courtesy and respect, an that is basic human rights.

               Besides that, I have learnt to always be open minded. Atticus wants  Jem and Scout to stand in others shoes in order to prevent them from just thinking from the point of view of well-off, white children of good connections. It is also shown by how because the Radleys are different, they have thier front door shut. They are shunned from society, whereas Boo is just misunderstood.

               I have also learnt that we should always protect the innocent, or at least try... This is Atticus' entire job. As a lawyer it his duty to protect the innocent, and this novel he had to defend Tom Robinson. This is one of the main point of why it is a "sin to kill a Mockingbird". Atticus believes it's important not to judge people, or treat them according to prejudices, and, over and above that, it is important to help those people discriminated against. This is what Scout learns about Boo, and why Heck Tate doesn't arrest Boo at the end of the novel. 

               Last but not least, i have learnt the values of equality. Quite frankly, everyone is even as a human being, and that is why Cal can have authority over the children despite the racism issue.  


Twilight Saga

The novel that I have read this month is none other than the fantasy/romance novel, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It follows the life of Isabella "Bella" Swan, a human teenager who moves to Forks, Washington and finds her life turned upside-down when she falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen. The series is told primarily from Bella's perspective, with the epilogue of Eclipse and book two of Breaking Dawn being told from the perspective of Jacob Black. Midnight Sun, an unpublished companion book to the series, is told from Edward's perspective. The lessons that should be valued from this book is:-

Don’t take your family for granted
When Bella first moves in with her father, their relationship is strained. They care about each other but have spent most of their lives separated and have little in common. You certainly wouldn’t catch them taking in a football game or going fishing together. Yet any time her father is brought into the vampire mix, Bella’s first priority (well, after Edward) is his protection, and in Breaking Dawn it finally sinks in that if she joins Edward's family she might not see her own again for awhile. The bottom line? You may not understand your family or even want to spend a great deal of time around them (who goes fishing anymore)?

Humanity is subjective.
What each person sees as making us human differs. Edward saw himself as a monster because he was a vampire, and therefore there was no humanity in him. But Carlisle believed that the way the Cullens lead their lives made them human, and they were not just slaves to their biology. Actions can make all the difference.

We wrestle with being human and divine
Edward knew there was some part of him missing by being a vampire. Bella knew there was some part of her missing by being human. In the end, they gave birth to a daughter who was some mysterious mixture of both. We are human beings created in the image of God but where does the human part end and the God part begin?

4 Cergas

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness

Nope, I didn't spell happiness wrongly. For this month's book report, I'm doing a review on The Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner. This novel is based on the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" which features Will Smith and his own son, Jaden Smith.

Here are the lessons I've learnt from the novel:

The road to happiness is always full of setbacks. In the book, one of the things that stuck out for me was the various setbacks Chris went through before he finally made it. He lost his car, his wife left him, he became homeless, he was broke, his business didn't really work out, he had to look after his son himself, I mean the setbacks were endless.

Believe in yourself even if no one else does. Chris had lost everything, was broke and could hardly sell his bone density scanners. Thinking that he was not serious and was a dreamer, his wife left but he chased his dreams anyway even when it seemed that his dream chasing would get him nowhere. He also motivated his son by saying that "don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something, even me." Sometimes when people who have themselves failed at something will discourage you but holding on to your dreams will pay off in the end.

Positive Mental Attitude is essential. The quote above from Gardner’s mother is one to remember. When Chris’ mother spoke these words, he was just a teenager. But they stayed with him his whole life, and the words kept flashing through his mind on his journey to success. What we tell ourselves we are IS who we are, so words of affirmation and inspiration must be embedded in our minds if we want to succeed.

In conclusion, in order to succeed in life, we should never give up on the things we do. We should also enjoy every moment of life to strive for happiness. Don't let pride and the opinions of people stop you, if that's what you need to do to make progress and have a better future then do it.

Choong Kee Sam
4 Cergas
30th April 2014

Percy Jackson :The Lightning Thief

  • The novel that I have read for this month's book review is Percy Jackson :The Lightning Thief. The lessons learnt in this novel are as the following:

  • 1) Anyone can be a hero

  • Percy is a kid who is branded a 'loser' at school, he's picked on, he isn't academically intellectual and he has Dyslexia. Soon he learns that he has these disabilities for a reason and they'll eventually help him succeed in the long run.

  • 2) Parents should be there for their children

  • They need to be brave to help those they care about and not blame other people. They should tell their children the truth unlike Percy's father, Poseidon.

3) Courageous 

Have the courage to solve your problems, and never shrink back or cringe. Rick wanted to teach children to find the inner courage within themselves. Do not to be scared of who you are, courage and learn how to handle an accusation.

4) Friends? Family? Love? 

I think it's love because of how Annabeth loves Luke as a brother and he did back.

5) Never think someone is your friend just because they are nice to you at first. 

Always keep your guard up. Think of the situation with Luke in the beginning and end of the story. He trusted his friend who seemed nice at first, but in the end of the book, the same friend turned out to be the betrayer.

6) Sacrifice must sometimes be made for the greater good. 

Accept family members as family members, even if they dishonor or embarrass you. Do not judge someone based on their parentage. Anyone who has done bad things is capable of redemption. Never give up hope because they will never stop loving you just like Percy 's father did.

Jaiswarry d/o Sundaram
4 Cergas 
30th April 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons by Dan Brown is a book I simply enjoy reading as the fast-paced thriller novel enthralls me. This novel is not only exciting, but also gives readers lessons to be taken from the novel. Such high importance is the lessons to be followed from the novel that it affects the main character (Robert Langdon).The lessons learnt are as such:

One must be persistent and determined to achieve any target. In this novel, Robert tries to stop the Illuminati (a legendary secret society) which tries to destroy the Vatican City with antimatter. During the chase, Robert faces lots of trouble and also unforeseen circumstances (ie. the death of a few cardinals) as well as the assassin kidnapping his friend, Vittoria Vetra. Though Robert could have already given up at that point, he did not give on and pressed on. With his determination and persistence, he succeeded in stopping the Illuminati from destroying the Vatican City thus preventing lots of damage and disaster.

Cooperation is crucial in any form of work. Robert Langdon with his trusty sidekick Vittoria Vetra work and stay close together throughout the novel. Both of them worked together to get rid of the assassin and to foil the Illuminati's plans to destroy the Vatican.

One should not think highly of oneself. Though the Camerlango (administrator of properties and revenue of the Vatican) appears to be helping Robert and Vittoria at first, it is later found out that the Camerlango was wanting to become the new pope, thus accusing himself of receiving a vision from God. The Illuminati involvement was also found out to be a plot by the Camerlango to cover his own secret plans. The plan soon backfires when Mortati (Dean of the College of the Cardinals) reveals the Camerlango to be in fact the biological child of the late pope, conceived through artficial insemination through a nun. In despair, the Camerlango sets himself on fire.

Conclusively, this novel gives one ample time to ponder on the values of oneself as well to reevaluate lessons to be taken into consideration to be applied in our daily lives. Therefore, it is hope that the readers of the novel have learnt valuable lessons.

Lim Kong Sun


                                            A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Spark

The novel I have read is A Walk to Remember, written by Nicholas Spark. Reading the poignant story came to life is quite a memorable thing, added with such a compelling pair of leads. The story is full of lessons, really. Here are some...

1. You never can judge a book by its cover. You never can judge a person by his/her appearance, or his/her surroundings and circle of friends. There is such a thing called benefit of the doubt. However bad a person is, and however wrong his choice of friends is, his heart might be good. Peer pressure pressed Landon to be friends with the naughty group, but his good heart still compelled him to save and apologize to that boy, whom was so eager to be in that group.

2. Jealousy is a bitter thing. Especially when you’re the bad one jealous of someone who is good, and because of it you do something bad to that good person. No good thing can come your way. Belinda’s aim from distributing the corrupted picture of Jamie was to get Landon back. Well, she got that scornful look from him, and that’s it. He never looked back again.

3. Even that movie was almost ten years ago, there was already the technology of corrupting or in nicer word, editing a picture. And that was Kodak pictures, not even digital ones yet. As the years gone by, we were introduced with digital cameras and digital everything. Editing pictures are only a click away. Lesson to ponder here, girls, is that even then, more than five years ago, people can do whatever to your pictures. What about now? Yup. People can do more. Technology advances, and so does people wicked intention. Be careful what you post on the net, whatever pictures, whatever videos. You don’t want your face to be plastered on that corrupted flyers (or in these years, everywhere on the net) like Jamie’s did.

4. There is such a thing called courtesy, and courting. Not many men use those these days. There is a proper manner in asking a girl out, even for Christians, as shown in the movie when Landon went to see the Reverend to ask Jamie out. Well, how many guys do that these days? Asking the parent for permission to date the daughter? We, Muslims are not supposed to date. But, even so, we do have the proper manner in asking a girl for her hand in marriage. By asking her wali, her parents or her guardian. How many Muslimin do that these days? Forget Facebook, forget sms, forget phone calls, those are not, and I repeat are not the proper channels for you to propose, however romantic you do it. Doing it the proper way shows your love and respect for the girl. The aim is for a lifetime, ladies and gentlemen, and not for just a few passionate moments. It’s no wonder when we hear people got divorced through sms and phone calls so easy these days, they might propose through those methods too, before!

5. Talking about parents, this movie teaches something about parenting too. About the scar a parent left to his kid when he walked away. It lasted for years. It’s not an apparent scar you see on your skin, but it’s the scar which hurts the most. Scar on your heart. But then, at the end of the day, your parents are still your parents. No matter how hard, or how hurtful it got, or how grown-up you’ve become, once in a while you do need that loving hug from your parents, those strong shoulders to cry on. I didn’t shed a tear throughout the movie except for the scene when Landon hugged his father tight and cried his heart out after finding out that the old man was willing to pay for Jamie’s home care. That was for me, the saddest, most poignant moment in the movie.
           4 CERGAS


Monday, April 28, 2014

In the Orchard, the Swallows by Peter Hobbs

                                           YONG RENN KAI - 4 CERGAS - 29/4/2014

In a village in Northern Pakistan, a man, whose name is unmentioned throughout, is released from prison. Weak and frail, he is found by a man called Abbas. Abbas took care of him in his home and helped him in his recovery. Much pain was felt when doing simple activities, and the man had to learn to overcome it and recover. One day, Abbas gave him and his daughter Alifa a notebook. Collectively throughout his stay, the man would write stories in his notebook. Stories about his life; his father, Saba, the orchard and the swallows that fly above and in it. Stories, once completed, would be given to his beloved.

From this novel, I have learnt that kindness exists even in the darkest of places. Things had changed around the village since the last time the man can remember, mainly because of the war. People are not as friendly as they were, and yet, there are men like Abbas who are still willing to help. Willing to give what they have and jeopardize themselves with the true intention of strangers. There is an Abbas in all of us, and we sure don't need the times to be dark to bring him out.

Another lesson I learnt is to appreaciate life and count our blessings. The man was presented an idea of 'boredom of recovery' from Abbas but truth is, nothing could be boring anymore. After all the years in prison, the man feels even the very essence of freedom, the feeling of non-confinement something worth enjoying. Watching the clouds go by, smelling the fragrance of the garden. Such bland activities and yet to the man, so magnificent to behold. And its these little things that we take for granted and it is where our blessings start.

One more lesson i have learnt in this novel is life's unpredictability. When he was a child, the man has never thought of change. He goes back to the same house, in the same village, meets the same           family, and  the same group of friends. But in life, as we grow older, the more we see things change,    and how rapid. Like the war-torn situation of the village, we can only adapt to change and find ways for it to work for us.

Esio Trot

The novel I read is Esio Trot by Roald Dahl. I learned a few lessons from the novel.

Mr. Hoppy is a shy old man who lives alone in an apartment building. For many years, he has been secretly in love with Ms. Silver, a woman who lives below him. Mr. Hoppy frequently leans over his balcony and exchanges polite conversation with Ms. Silver, but he is too shy to disclose how he feels. Mr. Hoppy longs to express his feelings to Ms. Silver, but he can never bring his lips to form the words.

Ms. Silver has a small pet tortoise, Alfie, who she loves very much. One morning, Ms. Silver mentions to Mr. Hoppy that even though she has had Alfie for many years, her pet has only grown a tiny bit and has gained only 3 ounces in weight. She confesses that she wishes she knew of some way to make her little Alfie grown into a larger, more dignified tortoise. Mr. Hoppy suddenly thinks of a way to give Mrs. Silver her wish and win her affection. I learned that we should be intelligent enough to find a way to achieve the results we want.

Mr. Hoppy tells Mrs. Silver that he - in fact - does know of a way to make a tortoise grow bigger. He writes the following words on a slip of paper, and lowers it down to Mrs. Silver:


Mr. Hoppy explains that these magic words, when whispered in Alfie's ear three times a day, will cause Alfie to grow bigger and bigger. Mrs. Silver is doubtful, but agrees to try.

I also learned that determination is the key of success. Over the next few days, Mr. Hoppy carries out the second part of his plan. He visits every pet shop in the city, and buys many tortoises of various sizes, but none that weigh less than 13 ounces. Mr. Hoppy brings all the tortoises back to his apartment and installs them in a makeshift corral in his living room. Next, Mr. Hoppy builds a special tool to help him snatch the tortoise from Mrs. Silver's balcony. He fastens a handle to the end of a long metal tube, and a tiny claw at the bottom. By pulling the handle, the arms of the claw gently open and close.

The following day, when Mrs. Silver leaves for work, Mr. Hoppy selects a tortoise from his living room that weighs exactly 15 ounces. He carefully picks Alfie up from the lower balcony, and exchanges him with the new tortoise. When Mrs. Silver returns home, she faithfully whispers the magic words in Alfie's ear, but does not notice that an exchange has been made.

Over the next 8 weeks, Mr. Hoppy continues to switch Mrs. Silver's current pet with a slightly larger tortoise, but she still does not perceive that her pet is growing in size. One afternoon, Mrs. Silver comments to Mr. Hoppy that Alfie seems a bit bigger, but cannot tell for sure. Suddenly, Mrs. Silver notices that Alfie can no longer fit through the door to his house, and exclaims to Mr. Hoppy that his spell is sure to be working! Mrs. Silver runs inside and weighs her pet, and is surprised to find that Alfie now weighs 27 ounces, more than double the weight he was before! Mr. Hoppy summons his courage and asks Mrs. Silver if he can come down and see the effect for himself. Mrs. Silver, in raptures over her pet's transformation, gladly grants his request.

Mr. Hoppy races down the stairs, nervous and excited to be on the brink of winning Mrs. Silver's heart. Mrs. Silver flings open the door, embraces Mr. Hoppy, and expresses her admiration for Mr. Hoppy's magical spell. However, the tortoise cannot fit in the house now, so Mr. Hoppy tells Mrs. Silver to say a magic spell that night and the next night. His part works splendidly, and Mr. Hoppy, suddenly emboldened by Mrs. Silver's warm smile, asks Mrs. Silver for her hand in marriage. Mrs. Silver delightedly accepts Mr. Hoppy's proposal, then adds that she thought he would never get around to asking.

Diong Wei Shan
4 Cergas
28th April 2014

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

If you love sweets and chocolates, I'm sure you would enjoy my book review. Roahl Dahl's famous work, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory has been chosen by me for the book review for this month. This story features a young boy named Charlie Bucket alongside with the not so normal chocolatier, Willy Wonka. As fancy as this book may sound, it does have a few lesson that can be absorbed by the readers.

 Honesty pays. After Wonka dismissed Charlie, Charlie still returned the Everlasting Gobstopper. A lot of the times we use the fact that someone has dishonour us as permission to “return the favor.” But remember, two wrongs don’t make a right. Never have and never will. Whether you receive a big payoff like Charlie or just the knowledge that your reputation will remain, honesty still pays.

Don’t be afraid to dream big. Of course, this is one of my favorite lessons from this story. Charlie is a boy from the poorest of the poor, his four grandparents share a bed just so he can have his own space. While other kids are ripping open hundreds of Wonka bars to find a golden ticket, Charlie could only get his hands on two. Yet, he has the courage to dream that he could win a golden ticket. This is a dreamer. You know how the story ends…Charlie’s dream of winning a golden ticket comes true, but he ends up with riches beyond his wildest dreams. 

Do things out of love. Whether it’s Mrs Bucket’s sacrifice of that morning slice of bread, or Grandpa Joe’s last coin, cabbage soup, nibbles of chocolate, they each sacrifice or share whatever they have. They do it out of love with no expectations whatsoever except the hope that the other is the better for it.

Everybody loves chocolate. That’s pretty self explanatory. Everybody loves chocolates. From the ninety six and a half year old Grandpa Joe to the short, cute yet disturbing Oompa-Loompas. There is no finer food known to man. Kudos to whoever invented chocolate.

Foo Zhiyi
4 Cergas
30th April 2014

Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump

The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K.Rowling [Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump]

                Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump were written by J.K. Rowling in the hope that the money from this book can make a different to other children lives. This story is about a foolish king, a charlatan and an old woman, Babbity.
                Based on the story Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump, I’ve learnt that we must never let greed take over our heart. For example, because of the foolish king’s greed in claiming magic for his own, he was fooled by the charlatan who has no knowledge of magic and who’s only desire is to be rich. Other than that, when the charlatan decided to trick the King for the sake of being rich; he at that time doesn’t know that if he fails to do so, he would be executed.
                Besides that, we must always think before we act. For example when the King tries to resurrect a dog from the dead , he doesn’t know that magic have limits and one of the few things that magic cannot do is giving life to something that is already dead; because of this he is the laughing stock in his own kingdom.
                Moreover, we must always be careful to whom we tell our secrets with. This is evident in the story when charlatan claimed to everyone that Babbity is a witch after the King fails to resurrect the dog. This shows that Babbity shouldn’t trust the charlatan because in the end he would turn his back to her and told everyone her secret.
                 In conclusion, Babbity is a wise and cunning old woman when she is able to run away from the King and at the same time making fun of the King’s cleverness.

Atiqah Syahmina Binti Azlan
4 Cergas
27th April 2014

My Life Changing

     There are a few lesson i learned from this story called "My Life Changing". This story is about a guy (Mark Jason) who had some incredible life experiences. He has gone from flat broke to having money to being broke again and then back. He has been told by doctors that he had incureable condition and then completely healed. He has loved ones who were there one minute and dead the next. Literally, this story is about his life. One of the lesson i learned from his life is, we should never walk away mad from a loved one. His father died unexpectedly from a heart attack when he was 19 years old. Just a few weeks before he died, they had a fight because Mark overslept. A week later, they made up. Then he died. Life is precious. One moment someone is here and the next moment they might be gone.

     Next, i also learned, we should not give up easily. Although life is not always easy, we must learn and find ways to find hope and happiness in everything that we do, even sometimes when we face difficult challenges, and it may seem that life may not get better but it is only because you are in that period of time, and suicide is never the answer to a temporary problem and the fact that you were put on this Earth for a special reason, and you should never escape from it. This is because, somewhere out there, there are people or someone willing to help you not lose hope and trying to change you to get on the right path and terminate your dreadful ways.

     Last but not least, i also learned that money does not buy happiness. Mark did not grow up with a lot of money. All he wanted to do was make money. So when he was 27 years old and had made enough money to pay off all his college debt, he still not happy. He learned very quickly that money does not buy happiness and what is also interesting is the most successful people are success because they do what they love to do. So, focus on happiness and the money will come, not the other way around.

(4 cergas)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Little Women & Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott

This month I am going to write about the book Little Women & Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott. Good Wives takes off about three years after where Little Women left off. Meg is about to get married, Jo is attempting to launch a literary career, Beth has sadly never recovered from her scarlet fever and is now virtually housebound, and little Amy is maturing fast, and about to go off travelling with a wealthy aunt. Each girl is struggling with her own problems; for Meg, she must learn to be a good wife and mother, and juggle the demands of the two; Jo must learn how to maintain her morals in a corrupt business, and rein in her headstrong and often selfish nature; Beth has to come to terms with the fact that she may never grow old, and learn to enjoy the time she has left without dwelling on what may come, and Amy must learn to put others first, and understand that money and fine things are nothing in comparison to a good heart and unconditional love. As they make their way from childhood to womanhood, each of the four March girls has her own path to tread, and though there is much joy to be found along their way, there is also much sorrow, heartache and lessons to be learned. In all things, they look to the quiet strength and wisdom of their mother, whose gentle reprimands and loving encouragement sees all of them through their trials and helps them to greater appreciate their blessings.

The lessons I learnt are girls being obedient, self governing, faithful to God and developing characters and hearts that reflect the great virtues of patience, love, and charity, so that they can be a blessing to all around them, and bring perpetual sunshine to their homes. Little Women and Good Wives are a thinly disguisedPilgrim’s Progress, the March girl’s favourite book, and I can understand that the didactic and religious overtones can be a little too much for the modern reader. However, I absolutely adored this book and it gave me a lot to think about, as I dripped tears onto the pages, laughed, and gave satisfied sighs at these delightful girls’ various antics. These books have both made me search my soul and promise myself I will be a better person. More patient, more kind, more compassionate, more considerate, more tactful, more loving…and then I continue to get REALLY ANGRY AT EVERYONE on the tube and fight with my brother and tut loudly behind SLOW people and open my big mouth where it’s not wanted and think evil thoughts about people who take the last seat on the train even though I was clearly waiting ten minutes longer than them…but still, the willingness is there, I suppose, which is a start.

 I learnt that happiness is more important than money, in the midst of Mrs March smiling at her girls and grandchildren and saying this, this is happiness, and nothing more, it was like a little ray of light beaming into my soul, reminding me that it is the simple things in life, like family, and friends, and sunny days, and walking barefoot on grass, that are important, and not the rest of it that we stress ourselves out about on a daily basis. It might be cheesy, and it might be old fashioned, and the characters might be a little bit too good to be true, but it works for me.

Finally, they are not concerned with being flashy or different or clever, but about inspiring and encouraging their readers to grow, and change, and love, and dream, and live, and to never give up, because no matter what, life is worth it. 

4 Cergas

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Confession Of A Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella


                                                 "When I shop, the world gets better"

                     Confession of a shopaholic is written by an amazing author named Sophie Kinsella. This book is a about a lady named Rebecca Bloomwood. This book follows her adventure in life and also shopping. She is a journalist. She spends most of her working life telling people how to manage their money but instead she spends her leisure time.....well with shopping. Retail therapy is the answer to all of her problems, how could she resist a pair of Gucci shoes? or that brand new Louis Vuitton Bag? or that perfect silky scarf by that window of that trendy boutique? Credit card, that's her answer towards it. Because of her too much usage of it, Becky has been chased by dismal letters from Visa and the Endwich Bank, letters that are too much for her to even read. She knows she should stop but she cant, she tries cutting back and she tries making more money but neither seems to work. The story becomes more interesting as she tries to untangle her financial difficulties. Can Becky ever escape from this dream world, find true love, and regain the use of her Switch card? Here are the some of the lessons that I have learnt in this fantastic book.

                   Credit card should not be our best friend. That's the first thing i have learnt from this book. This lesson was shown by the main character herself, Becky Bloomwood. Because of her constantly shopping and spending money to the point where she has nothing left, she started using her credit cards even more and that led her to a problem she doesn't want, a problem that any other humans don't want. She was faced with surmountable debts and banks were trying to find her. This is what happens when you depend too much on your credit facilities.

                      Secondly, we should not spend money on things that we do not need. This lesson can be proven in the book by Becky too. Becky has a shopping addiction. She spends her money or uses her credit card to buy things that she does not need such as designer's branded clothing, expensive home decor and other stuffs. Her desperation to shop is too high to the extend where she asked a stranger, Mr Brandon for money to buy a green scarf from a store called Denny and George. She has bought an underwear from Marc Jacobs that cost $200. Becky thinks that these things, A Gucci bag, Dolce & Gabbana boots, Saint Laurent Coat defines her whereas none of these stuffs define us.

                       I have also learnt that we should not underestimate anyone, ever. In the book, Becky underestimated her boss, Luke Brandon, the editor of Successful Savings. Becky thought he had poor tastes in clothes, fashion and does not know anything on how to dress. She proved herself wrong when she shopped for him for a party. She was shocked when Luke was putting on bits and bits of clothing to form an outfit in a store called Prada, not just an outfit - an incredible one to be honest. 

                       In conclusion, this book contains a lot of lessons and most of them are related to us. This book is also fun and adventurous. It ended with Becky successfully paying all of her debts after having a garage sale on all of her clothes, when i say all i meant literally ALL and also she found herself a man who could love her more than the things she was obsessed with. 

Adri Irman
4 Cergas

The Adventure Of The Blue Carbuncle By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The story that I have read this month is The Adventure Of The Blue Carbuncle by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This is a story about a precious stone, the blue carbuncle owned by Countess of Morcar, was stolen in Hotel Cosmopolitan. John Horner was arrested and jailed for the crime based on the testimonies of James Ryder and Catherine Cusack, but the gem was not found. But with some bizarre events the gem landed on the hands of Sherlock Holmes, and with the help of a goose he found out the real culprits.  Here are a few lessons that I have learnt after I finished this novel.
One of the lesson that I have learnt from The Adventure Of The Blue Carbuncle  is do not judge a book by its cover. In life, we should not judge people by their looks because looks can be deceptive. In this novel, we see the problem of  identity and reputation. This can be seen when John Horner, the plumber, is wrongly accused of stealing the Countess of Morcar’s blue jewel, for he holds a reputation of being a robber. Meanwhile, James Ryder, the actual thief, takes advantage of Horner’s tarnished reputation by placing the blame on him. James Ryder is also in a better situation because he holds a higher position in the hotel employee hierarchy. This is the reason why James Ryder did not been suspected by the police. Therefore, we should be careful of appearance by get to know people well before you trust them.
Besides, I also learnt that we should not jump to conclusion without investigating all the evidence we have. We must not make harsh decisions without careful examination and meticulous observations. For example, we can see that the police is not very analytical and simply jumped to conclusion. However, Holmes solved the case with an open minded and worked hard to seek the truth. He is not easily swayed by public hearsay and what is in the newspaper. He used his logical thinking and takes into account all the evidence at the murder site. Once he had taken all the evidence into consideration, he drew his conclusion based on the facts. He was then able to figure out that the actual thief is James Ryder, not the plumber John Horner. Thus, we must always remember not to jump to conclusions based on just what we hear or see. We must always think carefully to seek the truth before making any decisions.
Furthermore, I have learnt that we should be committed and dedicated in whatever we do. From the reading of this novel, we can see that Holmes is a dedicated and committed detective. Although Holmes did not been hired by anyone, he try to solve the mystery with his partner, Dr. Watson.  They even sacrifice their dinner and rest time to find out what is happen behind the mystery. They also stayed out for a whole night to find out the truth. Heaven will not disappoint the person who tries, they finally made their mind clear after they visited a lot of places. They got a lot of valuable information from Mr. Breckinridge, a salesman at Covent Garden. As a result, Holmes is able to give the profile of the real thief and finally solve the case. Therefore, any task given to us should be done to the best of our ability.
Moreover, this novel taught me that we should be kind to other people. Holmes did not take the standard action against James Ryder, the real thief. This is because he think that John Horner will be safe, since Ryder would not testify against him. Holmes also believes that Ryder would never commit any more crimes, since he was too frightened. But the main reason Holmes did not take any action is because Christmas season was a time of forgiveness. Sometimes, it is important that we use our judgement and show kindness where and when we can.
In conclusion, The Adventure Of The Blue Carbuncle is a very interesting novel. It  had taught me plenty of lessons. The lessons that I had learnt from this novel can also conduct in my daily life. Thus, I really think that it is worth to read this novel when you are free.
“I suppose that I am committing a felony, but it is just possible that I am saving a soul. This fellow will not go wrong again. He is too terribly frightened. Send him to jail now, and you make him a gaolbird for life. Besides, it is the season of forgiveness.”- Shelock Holmes

Koo Chong Jing
4 Cergas
23th April 2014


The Sound Machine

  The Sound Machine

  The story that I had read is The Sound Machine by Roald Dahl. I had learnt many lessons in this story.

  One of the lessons learnt is people must not judge one another but instead always keep an open mind. In the story of ‘’The Sound Machine”, Klausner believes that plants produce sounds that human cannot hear. Mrs Saunders think he is mad and Dr Scott is rather doubtful. However, the story ends with Dr Scott and Klausner walking away together hand-in-hand, suggesting that a show of acceptance or compromise by both parties. People should not be quick to judge those who do not follow the rules and norms set by society as insane.

   Moreover, although the story is told in a humorous way, we learn that it is important to look after the plants as they are living things. We should not just treat plants with care but should also try to repair what damage we have already done to nature. It would be good too if we were sensitive to the pain of all living things.

  Another lesson is possibly that individuals who invent machines and have creative ideas should not be discouraged. Klausner thinks that human beings should stop inflicting pain on plants because plants can feel every cut made by humans. He insists that Dr Scott tend to the ‘’wounds’’ of the tree. Of course, Klausner also realizes that his thinking is extreme, as if means that we should stop eating vegetables.

  As a conclusion, new inventions and ideas can sometimes be controversial. Therefore, these ideas and inventions are difficult to accept.
Teo Xialer

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Lessons learnt

Divergent is the debut novel of American novelist , Veronica Roth . It is a young-adult novel set in the so-called Divergent Universe . The novel follows Beatrice 'Tris' Prior as she explores her identity within a society that defines its citizens by their social and personality-related affiliation with five different factions, that is abnegation , dauntless , candor , amity , erudite  . It also driving the novel is a romantic subplot between Tris, and one of her trainers in the Dauntless faction,Tobias ,  nicknamed Four.

1. Speak up for yourself and for what you believe in.

Tris tries to get involved when she first meets Peter, who always bullying her , although her brother Caleb stops her. She is the first one to jump off the roof into Dauntless "headquarters". She's also the first one who courts trainer Eric's wrath by pointing out the his intimidation routine during the knife throwing exercise. This make me feel that she doesn't care what others thinking, or how they think about her. She stays authentic and true to herself. All of us  need to do the same. 

2. Break down your goal into smaller, more easily attainable ones.

Tris knows what she's up against if she fails her initiation, but really lives in the present, while fully aware of her dangerous future. We see this in how she takes small steps towards her goal. For example, she plan on avoiding being ranked at the bottom. She practices fighting when nobody's around. She refuses to be left behind when everyone goes off to play a brutal version of "capture the flag". It all lies in the "how" and "what" of the decisions made.

3. Accept help and delegate, instead of multi-tasking and trying to be perfect and show no weakness.

Tris slowly begins to understand her strengths and weaknesses, and how being raised in the Abnegation sector and being divergent will continue to shape her behavior, especially her reactions to others. She seeks out a support group of allies, such as forging friendships with a girl from the Candor faction and a boy from the Erudite faction. She accepts helps from her instructor Four, and later seeks out her brother for advice and help. It is when she allows Four in, to see her vulnerability and brave human spirit, that he himself lets down his guard and begins to fall for her. 

File:Divergent (book) by Veronica Roth US Hardcover 2011.jpg   

Lum Sin Yee
4 Cergas 

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Divergent is a book about a sixteen-year-old girl named Beatrice Prior. She lives in a future version of Chicago where there are five very different factions. Each faction values one virtue above everything else. The first faction, Dauntless, think bravery is keen. The second faction, Erudite, love knowledge. The third faction, Abnegation, is pro-self-sacrifice. The fourth faction, Amity, values friendship. The fifth faction, Candor, is into honesty. Beatrice grew up in an Abnegation family. When people turn 16 they do a test so that the faction they belong in is determined. When Tris turns 16, her test results show that she is divergent, meaning she doesn’t belong in any faction. This puts her at risk, her test instructor warns her that anyone found to be divergent is killed, so she must keep this a secret. She decides to join Dauntless, because she doesn’t feel selfless enough to be a good Abnegation like her family. She undergoes many challenged throughout the book, and she teaches readers very important lessons about bravery, love, friendship, and sacrifice. Here are a few lessons that I have learned from this book.
Bravery and courage are things many people value. Guys are always trying to prove they have them, they think it’s a sign of greatness, a sign of being a man. But bravery isn’t just about having the courage to do risky and dangerous things, the most important forms of bravery are the simple ones. Divergent contained many aspects of bravery, it included doing dangerous things and putting yourself in danger and fighting people. However despite that, the book stresses that the most important forms of bravery are the ordinary ones, such as the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.
The importance of selflessness in all relationships
The second lesson I learned also has to do with selflessness and its importance in relationships. In the book, Tris, has to do many selfless things for the people around her. She put herself in risk to protect the people she loves and her society. She taught me that being selfless and brave aren’t that different because it takes bravery to be selfless. It takes so much to put people around you before yourself. This book taught me the importance of selflessness. If you think about it, most sinful actions can be traced back to selfish motives. Selfishness brings out many bad things in ourselves and it negatively impacts those around us. It’s important for us to consider the people around us before doing anything. Selflessness is necessary in many situations in life. For example, selflessness is a very important factor in love. Sometimes we fall for people, and things just don’t work out. When you really love a person, their happiness comes before anything, and you would be willing to let them go because you care about them and their happiness. Selflessness and sacrifice isn’t only important in romantic relationships, its also important in other relationships. When you care about your relationship with someone, you have to understand that you sometimes have to make sacrifices for those you care about. 

How Qi Ming 
4 Cergas 
20th of April 2014