Friday, May 30, 2014

Breaking Dawn

The novel I have read is Breaking Dawn written by Stephenie Meyer. I dislike like the ending of this story.
The first reason I didn’t like this story is because of Bella’s pregnancy. Theoretically and biologically for a lady to become a pregnant it needs the fusion of a sperm and and ovum and both these substances can only be available to human who is alive with blood flowing in their body. Bella and Edward having sex are fine although it is impossible since vampires cannot have close contact with human due to blood. But, becoming pregnant is too much and it doesn’t make sense. Edward who is being a vampire is more than 140 years and is dead for a long time. So, he is basically a dead body with no blood, veins, arteries, blood capillaries in him. So, how on earth he can be the father of Renesmee since he cannot produce sperms? Although fiction books are meant to be fiction (out of sense) but being a biology student it makes me to think. Then, the outstanding growth of the baby Renesmee... How on earth a baby can grow extremely fast? Again biology plays an important role…
Second off the whole thing with Jacob imprinting on Nessie. Jacob was like all "Bella I love you I will never leave you." Bella was all "I love you too Jake!" But the Jake goes and imprints on Bella's kid! And Bella's not even the TINIEST bit hurt. I mean it would be like Renesemee would ask Bella,"Mommy where did you meet Jacob?" What is Bella is supposed to say? " Well dear, I used to be in love with Jacob. We even made out a couple times, and oh yeah, I was even tempted to leave your father for him,". That'll be a great conversation for a mother and daughter to have. Meyer made it seem like Jacob was settling for Nessie because he couldn’t have Bella, she even said Jacob liked her because her eyes were so much like Bella's.
Therefore, I strongly dislike the ending of the story…

          4 CERGAS

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