Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Unwanteds

The Unwanteds

It is no strange when I said that I've always had an affinity for novels that are magic genre. For example, the Harry Potter series. I do love some novels which talk about world issues, like a difference in society classes like The Hunger Games series. So, what happen if you combine both of this epic series into a single book? Well, The Unwanteds series are born. The Unwanteds, written by author Lisa McMann, is arather fascinating book which had both elements from Hunger Games and Harry Potter series.

 Allow me to give a brief summary of this book.Every year in Quill, thirteen-years-olds are sorted into categories: intelligent Wanteds go to university, and the artistic Unwanteds are sent to their graves. On the day of the Purge, identical twins Aaron and Alex Stowe await their fate. While Aaron is hopeful to becoming a Wanted, Alex know his chances are slim. He's been caught drawing with a stick in a dirt- and in the stark gray land of Quill, being creative is a death sentence.....(Imagine Picasso living there)

If I asked whether do I like the story, yes. The ending...yes as well, though ending is a bit too abrupt. I like that it hints a sequel, and whether the sibling relationships between Aaron and Alex remains a mystery until I get the second book of the shelf of a bookshop.

During the end of the book,the war between Artime and Quill. Basically, the artistic warriors and the down-to-earth lifeless artless warrior. The Unwanteds succeeded in conquering victory with magic on their side.I enjoyed reading this book and love the ending as it leave a mystery, meaning to say, what will happen to Aaron and Alex,and whether will Quill be rebuilt and have another war with Artime.

A good book must have the element of surprise.In this book,it turns out that a friend of Alex, Lani, whom her father was a Senior Governor of Quill,but was actually a trusted ally of Mr.Today, who acts as a double agent and provide inside information of Quill to him. He ensure that his daughter would end up as an Unwanted, so that she could live a life in Artime.

Like many great books,it comes to at end and many readers hoping for a sequel, for this case, yes. The ending for this book is rather fascinating,and though I predict all sorts of ending, the author herself had sometime in mind that exceed my predictions and possibilities.

Fong Kar Wai 
4 Cergas

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