Friday, February 28, 2014


The chosen book for this month is Divergent by Veronica Roth where one choice can transform you. In this book society is divided into five factions which is Abnegation, Candor, Dauntless, Erudite and Amity. Each year, all of the sixteen-year-old from each faction take an Aptitude Test. The purpose of the test is to show which of the five factions each person belongs to. At the Choosing Ceremony the next day, they must each choose which faction to become a member of. They can choose to stay with their faction and remain near their family or to change factions and leave behind all that they know. The results of the Aptitude Test are taken into account, but the ultimate decision is left up to them. As a matter of fact, I belive each of the five factions represent moral values. 

Abnegation, selflessness. This faction values others more than themselves as they are not selfish in any ways possible. They hardly are ever curious of their peeps and do not question others. The people of Abnegation protect themselves from greed and envy which is considered forms of selfishness. They also find joy in helping others in need. 

Candor, honesty. Candors are serious about their views of honesty against dishonesty. They see it as the very foundations of morality of a person's character. They look upon those who are honest with all due respect. The people of Candor are also frank when giving opinions. Sometimes it is better to accept the bitter truth rather than a comforting lie that can lead to a pool of deceits.

Dauntless, bravery. The Dauntless value the virtue of bravery as they are trained to fight with weapons to prepare their bodies to threat and upcoming challenges. They are known to be daring and fearless as they jump of the train while it is still moving to and fro their faction compound. They also emphasises freedom of fear where they overcome their fears during simulation programs. The Dauntless are never to show any signs of cowardice along the way.

Erudite, intelligence. The people of Erudite are those who yearn for knowledge. They value the virtue of intelligence and wisdom over any other. Most of the time, they will talk about books and newspaper. This faction eliminates ignorance and darkness of the human minds. Therefore, it is always important to act rational and think smart before doing something so that we won't have to clean after ourselves.

Amity, kindness. This is the faction that is dedicated to kindness, peacefulness and forgiveness. The Amity dislike war to keep the waters calm and thus avoid human conflicts.  They avoid violence as they enjoy peace and always forgive others. They are also considered the safe house for those who are on the run.

These are the five factions which society is divided into and each of them have their own roles. As the life of sixteen-year-olds depend on one choice at the Choosing Ceremony, they are more prone to make the wrong decisions and become factionless. So which faction would you belong in?  

Hani Nadhirah
28 February 2014
4 Cergas 

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