Friday, February 28, 2014


This time around I've decided to do my book report on a book I find very interesting LIFE OF PI. This book is jam packed with moral values. This book has thought me so many good things about life. It has touched me in many ways...

The first obvious moral value that I would like to point out is to never give upPi (the main character) didn't give up hope and he kept moving. Whether it's the black sea or the dark clouds or the ominous waves or the hungry predator as company, Pi never gave up hope of survival. I have learnt that behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining and when you are down and in state of despair and almost on the verge of giving up, you must remember, that this stage like everything else in life is only temporary and this too shall pass. There are times, when it may seem like you have tried everything possible within your means and there is only a little more that you can do. In those hours, it's important to remember, that there is someone watching out for you and you're not here without a reason. 

Besides that, I have learnt that we should never put all our eggs in one basket. When Pi found Richard Parker(the tiger) on the life boat, he got scared and threw all the supplies in the lifeboat to a makeshift raft and tied it to the life boat and decided to shift to the raft. At that moment, it looked like the wise thing to do, without taking into consideration greater dangers, still unknown to him. When the breaching whale appeared at night and upturned Pi's raft throwing all his supplies to the water, Pi realised, living with Richard Parker on the boat might have been a better option.

Finally, I also have found that we should always try to learn to co-existAfter the whale incident, Pi had to reconcile to the fact that he has to live with Mr Parker on the lifeboat, an idea, which he had been resisting so far. As a first step, he decided to start communicating with Mr Parker and also set out marking their territories and setting some rules. Having Richard Parker on board also kept him alert at all times. When Mr Parker jumped in the waters of Pacific Ocean, looking for fish, Pi helped him to get on board and slowly, he started developing a bond with him. 

All in all, the moral values in this book has thought me a lot of things. I highly recommend this book to everyone. This book is suitable for people of various types of book readers. I assure you after reading this book you will never look at life the same way again...


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