Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Pendragon Series

The series i decided to write this month is The Pendragon Series by author D.J MacHale. Personally, I find this series much more intriguing compare to the other novel series I've read. Stereotypically speaking, every main character has countless and remarkable attributes and impressive moral values that all readers can learn from. The main character in this series,Bobby Pendragon is no stranger from it. Before i began talking about his wonderful traits,allow me to give you a brief summary of what this series is about. This series start with how Bobby Pendragon discovers that he will be trained by his uncle,Press Tilton to become a 'Traveler', a warrior task with a crucial mission: to stop the efforts of the shapeshifting demon Saint Dane,to alter all that ever exist,'Halla',according to his own twisted design.

One of his many attributes is that he has immense perseverance.Throughout the series, the Travelers had chased Saint Dane from one Territory to another,foiling his diabolical plans to take over Halla. Despite the Travelers are always one step ahead of him,Saint Dane too had his own tricks that turn the table around. He had countered and at the penultimate book,he had hit Pendragon's weakest point by manipulating him to kill Alexander Naymeer. Although several times Saint Dane seems to have the upper hand, and Bobby met a myriad of obstacles,he did not give up but continue searching for Saint Dane to stop him from taking over Halla.

Bobby Pendragon seems to have an impressive versatile nature.This trait is very convenient for him as he have to travel from one territory to another to stop Saint Dane,with each territory had their own unique cultures,lifestyle and their surrounding. It could be an underewater city,in the midst of a enormous jungle,or an advanced metropolis city. Despite constant travelling through time and space,he is able to quickly adapt to his surrounding and location,and seems to easily blend in with the people living there.

When I read this series,i assume he must have possess some incredible prowess due to him being the lead Traveler and all, I was right.Being a leader of the Travelers,he has a unique tactical mindset. He is able to foresee Saint Dane's evil plan and countered it with one of his own. His expertise in fastidious strategy had made him the team tactician.

All in all,Bobby Pendragon had shown many wonderful traits in the series,and,do pick up some of his impressive attributes because it can be a life-worth moral values.

Fong Kar Wai
4 Cergas
23 February 2014

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