Friday, February 28, 2014

Hunger Games

          The story I have choose to talk about is The Hunger Games.Every year this very rich City known as The Capitol, controls all the Districts which they are forced to do something known as The Hunger Games! This is where two children, one boy and one girl from each district from the ages of twelve to eighteen have to leave their families and compete in The Hunger Games, a live event that is aired on TV's all over Panem. When Katniss Everdeen, aged sixteen from District 12, has to volunteer to take the place of her twelve year old sister Prim after Prim's name is called forth to become the 23rd member to compete in The 74th Hunger Games. There are a few moral values should be taken note of in the book.

           Where You Come From Doesn’t Determine Your Outcome.Katniss comes from the oppressed, neglected and poverty-stricken District 12. There are a lot of District 12s in the world. The skills and traits one learns from their homes (Katniss’ are hunting, vigilance, and knowing how to live off the land) can often be an asset, and can help you be successful. If you don’t like your life circumstances you have the power to change them. It is only when people work hard, speak up and take action that change can happen.

          Help When You Can. Katniss doesn't want to hurt, or kill anyone but when it comes down to it Katniss' instinct is to survive. In life you should always put yourself first. But when you are in a good place personally and professionally, it is the good and right thing to help others who are struggling to succeed.For example, Katniss teams up with the girl from District 11 and only one person can survive. Favors are not forgotten, and usually come back to you when you need them the most.

           Don't Take Granted of Anything.District 12 is very poor.Katniss has been close to death many times from starvation but she made it through, so eating at the Capital with unlimited food and drink was never taken for granted..Know that the basic things in life: food, shelter, friends, family, cars, computers, cell phones etc. should never be taken for granted. There are millions of people in the world who would give so much to have one of these things.

             If you've already read The Hunger Games then I'm probably preaching to the converted, but if you haven't, I'm here to tell you why you should.


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