Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant

           For this month's book review, I have read a short story entitled The Necklace written by Guy De Maupassant. This short story is basically about a married couple. The wife named Madame Liosel. She is not very happy with her marriage because she is married with a decent and not very rich man. It makes Madame Liosel feels a little bit dissatisfied with her life. There are some moral values that I got from reading this short story.
           First and foremost, we must always be happy and satisfied with what we have. In this short story, I find that Madame Liosel was dissatisfied with her life and home. She was unhappy because she got married with a clerk. She wanted to be rich so that she can showed off to the people around her. In other words, Madame Liosel was a materialistic person. She behaved like a spoilt child and was ungrateful towards her husband.

           In addition to that, money cannot buy happiness. Madame Liosel cried because she had no suitbale gown and jewellery to wear when her husband received an invitation to a grand party given by the Minister of Public Instruction. So, she decided to borrow a necklace from one of her former classmates just to go to that party. She was the prettiest and happiest woman at the party. However, when she reached home, She discovered that the necklace was missing.

            Last but not least, we must always tell the truth because 'honesty is the best policy'. Madame Liosel was really shocked when she found out that the necklace was missing. So, they searched in every jewellery shop for a similar necklace. After that, they had to live in poverty due to the debt that they had just to replace the missing necklace. After 10 years, she met her former classmate and she inform her aout her poverty due to the loss of necklace. Madame Liosel was then being told that the necklace was an immitation.

            As for the conclusion, the ending was kind of suprising to me. So, whatever situations we are in it, just live life to the fullest without worrying about what other people say about us and just ignore them. We can never satisfy the people around us and we also can never stop them from judging.

Nadhrah Hani
25th February 2014

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