Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Lotus Eater by Sommerset Maugham

  The story that I have read is The Lotus Eater by Sommerset Maugham. There are many moral values in this story. On the surface, this seems to be a story about the life of a man called Thomas Wilson. However, it is really about two men representing different ways of life. The narrator’s life was tied up with family, career and earning a living. In contrast, the character he met on the island of Capri (Wilson) was content with a life in the sun that was free of all responsibilities.

  One of the moral values is we have no right to take our own lives. Thomas Wilson planned his life carefully, but in the end his plan backfired. He planned to die at the age of 60, but by that time he was too coward to take his own life. He had no choice but to live in poverty and he became a recluse and died in misery.

  Furthermore, we must be kind and helpful to our neighbours. Assunta and her husband were kind, considerate towards Wilson. They looked after Wilson after he got out of the hospital, let him stay at their woodshed and allow him to look after their animals.

  Moreoever, we have to be realistic in our search for happiness. Thomas Wilson was constantly searching for happiness. He found it on the island of Capri, in Italy. For 25 years, he lived a quiet and contented life there. But in the end, he had not really found true happiness as it ended the day his money ran out.

  Besides, we should not live only for ourselves. We cannot live alone without social relationships. We should not choose a way of life which can harm us. We should live useful, productive lives.

  Lastly, work is necessary in order to earn a living. Wilson thought he could lead a happy life in Capri when he resigned from his job and sold his house. Little did he knew that life was not all that he expected. He was broke after he was 60 and died.

  These are the moral values that can be found in this novel.

Teo Xialer
4 Cergas

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