Friday, February 21, 2014


I have read "Fish" by Charlie James. When Ned Finn's little brother, Bill, eats some of their father's special Fish Crisps, he lands the whole family in rather deep water. Not only does he draw the attention of the local school bully, but an international spy is also alerted to the existence of the highly sought-after Crisps. Bill even finds himself risking life and fin in an encounter with the local aquarium's resident killer whale! From this book, I learn some moral values that all of us should put into practice.

Ned and his sister, Stacey, are on the hand to rescue Bill and the family from some very slippery situation. From this circumstance, we know that family love is the key to solve sticky situation. As much as the siblings dislike and insulting each other, they will still protect them from danger. While Bill transformed into a cod and swam around in the killer whale's aquarium, Ned and Stacey tried their best to rescue their brother. 

Determination is also an admirable value that the Finn family possessed. Although Ned and Stacey might face danger in the process of saving Bill, they were determined to save him up from being the killer whale's fish crisps. Ned did suggest that Bill should tell some jokes to the killer whale. Even when there was a crowd of spectator watching them, they were not thinking about the how embarrassing it was. They were far more concern of their brother's safety. When their father asked his best friend, Geoff, who was the worst printer in town and obsessed with cows in the same way that father is with fish, the T-shirt he planned to hand out along with free samples of his free fish food was printed with a killer whale saying "MOO!". The siblings were forced to hand out the shirt and fish crisps in the zoo. Obviously, the visitors in zoo were not interested in the shirt and free sample of something they couldn't eat. They were in despair as they had twenty thousand of shirts that no one wanted! There were reporters in zoo that capture Ned and Stacey in the "MOO T-shirt" for saving their cod from killer whale. To their luck, people started to ask where to buy the shirt. At last, their determination paid off with their brother being saved and income. 

In a nutshell, moral values that I found in this book are family love and determination. These two moral values should be practiced by all of us to enrich our life. This book is indeed a good book, with values and tiny bit of comedy and humor. 

Diong Wei Shan
4 Cergas
22nd February 2014 

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