Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Mother's Last Lecture

          This story is about a mother who had lung cancer. For years, her family warned her about her smoking, but she just laughed it off. Even the constant coughing couldn't convince her to stop. So when the doctor told her that she had lung cancer, it did not come as a total shock to them. Her sole regret is that she won't see her daughter grow up. Belinda, her daughter been so supportive of her.

          So, she decided to do something for her and her classmates. She wanted to explain the evil of smoking to her daughter's classmates. Almost every day she came to her daughter's school to talk about the evil of smoking to the whole class until one day she did not turn up. the teacher called the house and the husband answered. He informed the teacher that his wife had passed away the night before.

          So, what can i learn from this story is, we should not or even try to smoke. Smoking is not something cool. It responsible for several diseases such as lung cancer like Belinda's mom. Almost every adults that used to smoke revealed that starting to smoke was the most stupid thing they ever did and they even wishing they had never take it up. Like Belinda's mom, she really hope she could turn back time and listened to her parents. Now, Belinda had to continue her life without a mother by her side.

4 Cergas


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