Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Percy Jackson :The Lightning Thief

  • The novel that I have read for this month's book review is Percy Jackson :The Lightning Thief. The lessons learnt in this novel are as the following:

  • 1) Anyone can be a hero

  • Percy is a kid who is branded a 'loser' at school, he's picked on, he isn't academically intellectual and he has Dyslexia. Soon he learns that he has these disabilities for a reason and they'll eventually help him succeed in the long run.

  • 2) Parents should be there for their children

  • They need to be brave to help those they care about and not blame other people. They should tell their children the truth unlike Percy's father, Poseidon.

3) Courageous 

Have the courage to solve your problems, and never shrink back or cringe. Rick wanted to teach children to find the inner courage within themselves. Do not to be scared of who you are, courage and learn how to handle an accusation.

4) Friends? Family? Love? 

I think it's love because of how Annabeth loves Luke as a brother and he did back.

5) Never think someone is your friend just because they are nice to you at first. 

Always keep your guard up. Think of the situation with Luke in the beginning and end of the story. He trusted his friend who seemed nice at first, but in the end of the book, the same friend turned out to be the betrayer.

6) Sacrifice must sometimes be made for the greater good. 

Accept family members as family members, even if they dishonor or embarrass you. Do not judge someone based on their parentage. Anyone who has done bad things is capable of redemption. Never give up hope because they will never stop loving you just like Percy 's father did.

Jaiswarry d/o Sundaram
4 Cergas 
30th April 2014

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