Wednesday, April 30, 2014

To Kill a Mockingbird

               For this month I have decided to do my book report on a book that I have adored since the first time I read it. The lessons that i have learnt throughout my time reading To Kill a Mockingbird varies from many different aspects.

               Firstly, I have learnt that we should always respect others. For example, Atticus always addresses Mayella as ma'am, despite all the trouble she has put Tom Robinson in. Atticus believes that everyone should be shown courtesy and respect, an that is basic human rights.

               Besides that, I have learnt to always be open minded. Atticus wants  Jem and Scout to stand in others shoes in order to prevent them from just thinking from the point of view of well-off, white children of good connections. It is also shown by how because the Radleys are different, they have thier front door shut. They are shunned from society, whereas Boo is just misunderstood.

               I have also learnt that we should always protect the innocent, or at least try... This is Atticus' entire job. As a lawyer it his duty to protect the innocent, and this novel he had to defend Tom Robinson. This is one of the main point of why it is a "sin to kill a Mockingbird". Atticus believes it's important not to judge people, or treat them according to prejudices, and, over and above that, it is important to help those people discriminated against. This is what Scout learns about Boo, and why Heck Tate doesn't arrest Boo at the end of the novel. 

               Last but not least, i have learnt the values of equality. Quite frankly, everyone is even as a human being, and that is why Cal can have authority over the children despite the racism issue.  


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