Wednesday, April 30, 2014

                                           The Lord Of The Rings
                          The Two Towers

         The novel that I have read for this month's book report is J.R.R Tolkien's The Two Towers. This novel is about Frodo Baggins' journey to Mordor to destroy the One Ring while the rest of The Fellowship fights the evil forces of Mordor.

         One of the lessons that I have learned is we must always be who we truly are. The hobbits grew in stature through the story, but never tried to live up to any sense of who they might be but themselves.

         Besides that, I've also learned that the love of friends is stronger than the love of power. The loyalty of Sam towards Frodo has never been in doubt. Sam refrained from being tempted by the One Ring possessed by Frodo and gave Frodo support in times of despair.

        Lastly, I have learned to be courageous. Despite knowing the fact that they might not return home, Frodo and Sam went through all the dangers of Middle Earth as well as Aragorn and company's determination to defend Helm's Deep from the Uruk Hai.

      The Two Towers is a book which I truly enjoyed reading. I will also take the lessons I have learnt in this book as an example in my life's journey.

4 Cergas

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