Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cirque Du Freak (Darren Shan)

         The novel i read is "Cirque Du Freak (Darren Shan)". The main character of this story is Darren Shan. Darren lived a happy life with his mom, dad and younger sister, Annie. Darren was always fascinated by spiders. When he was young, he used to bring spiders from the garden and let them loose in his room. He has three close friends (steve, tommy, and Alan).                  
          One day, Alan brings a poster to school advertising a Freak Show. Steve manages to raise the money to buy the tickets. However, there were only given two by the sales person due to special condition. They decided to compete for the tickets, or rather tickets, as all of them agreed that Steve deserved a ticket for raising the money in the first place. Darren wins, catching the ticket by chance. They go to the freak show, but Steve realises the one of the performers is a vampire. After the show, Steve stays behind , telling Darren to go home without him, but Darren disobeys. He sneaks up to the balcony and sees everything unfold from above. Shocked to know that Steve wants to be a vampire and that Steve has evil blood, Darren flees home. The conflict is put aside, as Darren then realizes that he can in fact own Madam Octa, Mr. Crepsley's deadly performing spider.                 
          Darren steals Madam Octa the spider from the cirque du freak and develops a telepathic connection with her. However, when he is demostrating his control over her to Steve, Annie startles him, and his control over the spider lost, giving Madam Octa to the chance to bite Steve. Steves collapes. Darren brings Steve to the hospital but none of the doctors can figure out what type of poison it is. Darren goes to Mr. Crepsley for the cure and the vampire gives Darren an offer: Darren must become his assistant in order for him to be given the antidote. Darren agrees and is blooded by Mr. Crepsley.                                                                                  
          Steve's only hope for survival is if Darren makes a deal with Mr. Crepsley to become his assistant and pay off the cost of the spider antidote. Steve lives, but Darren is turned into a half-vampire, half vampire and is thrust into the dark world of the vampires. In order to successfully free Darren of all previous bonds, including family, Mr. Crepsley helps him to-be apprentice fake his own death by numbing Darren's entire body, breaking his neck, and throwing him out of his bedroom window, perfectly simulating a fatal fall. Following the events of Darren's human body's funeral. After that, Mr. Crepsley returns and digs Darren up. Unbeknownst to Crepsley, however, Steve tries to kill Darren, but fails, instead swearing revenge on Darren for stealing his rightful place of being Mr. Crepsley's vampire assistant and betraying him.                                         
          As the conclusion, Darren Shan is a responsible and brave person. What can i learn from this story is we should be responsible for whatever wrong we have done and willing to accept the consequence.

4 Cergas
25th January                                                

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