Saturday, January 25, 2014

If You Could See Me Now by Cecelia Ahern

           The novel that I have read is "If You Could See Me Now" by Cecelia Ahern. There are two main characters in this story, Elizabeth and Ivan. Elizabeth has a difficult childhood because her mother never stayed at home and her father was unhappy by the fact that his wife was never at home. Elizabeth had to take care of her baby sister when Elizabeth was 12 year old because her mother left and never came back and her father was not able to take care of the baby.

            When Elizabeth was old enough she left home, went to university and travel around the world. She stayed at New York and had a relationship there. When her sister, Saoirse got pregnant, she was not able to take care of the baby. Therefore , Elizabeth had to adopt Saoirse's son, named Luke. Luke is a 6 year old boy. One day, Luke starts to see this guy called Ivan and Elizabeth noticed that Luke was playing, laughing and talking to himself and got worried. She was worried about Luke's imaginary friend but when she reads from the Internet that it is totally normal and his imaginary friend will be away after 3 months, she does not worry about it anymore.

              One day, Elizabeth meets this stranger named Ivan who she thinks is Luke's friend's father. She does not know that this Ivan is Luke's imaginary friend that now herself and Luke are the only ones who can see him. Ivan is invisible for most of the people, he is normally visible to children. He will become visible to people who needs a friend because he works as a best friend. When he became visible to Elizabeth, he was surprised and confused. By the time he understands that he is there for Elizabeth, not for Luke.

              Ivan and Elizabeth became friends and Elizabeth felt really comfortable with Ivan. She finally found someone to talk about things she has never talked about before. Ivan makes her happier and relaxed than before. When time goes by, Elizabeth and Ivan fell in love. Ivan's boss, Opal sees his love for Elizabeth and tells him her sad tale. Opal understands Ivan because she had went through the same situation as Ivan. She told Ivan that no matter how much he wants to be with Elizabeth a time will come and Elizabeth will no longer be able to see him and will eventually get old while he will still remained young.

              One day, when Elizabeth was hosting a party, Elizabeth is not able to see him for a short while and  he realizes that  it's time for him to move on to a new friend. Ivan visits Elizabeth for the last time when she is asleep and tells her that he needs to go. Elizabeth thought it was just a dream. A few days later, she realized it's not and Ivan was actually Luke's imaginary friend. They go their separate ways and both of them are changed by the experience.

             "And I'm not supposed to say this - of all my friends, Elizabeth Egan was by far my favourite."

Leora Ho
26th January 2014
4 Cergas

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