Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dare To Be A Champion by Lee Chong Wei

      Lee Chong Wei is no common athlete. National hero in his home land of Malaysia, the hard working and talented Chong Wei has won everything but two major titles – World Championships and Olympic Games. This amazing professional badminton player has risen from humble beginnings to become world number one, a tittle he has held since 2008. Dato' Lee Chong Wei is not one who needs introduction. 

      I've read this book and what amazed me is that Lee Chong Wei tells the story from his childhood till who he is now today.It catches my attention when Lee Chong Wei tells the story of hardship his family went through. It was about his family financial problem. He came as a big surprise for his family as his mom was taking contraceptive pills. His family was already in the midst of hardship, after his 2 brothers and sister, his parents had definitely not planning to have more children. Chong Wei was going to be a burden for his family even more. Friends and relatives were concerned about it and they suggested his parents to consider giving him away, but his mom disagree to give away her own flesh and blood.

      And then it progresses to Lee Chong Wei's sparkle in the badminton arena, which begins with basketball as his main favorite sport back then. He was encouraged to play badminton by the pursuance of his friends influence, that is where he started to like playing badminton as the No.2 sport. One fine day, a sincere-looking man in his mid thirties approached him and told Chong Wei's dad that Chong Wei is very talented and will be a promising player. His dad at first didn't allow him to go for badminton training because of the financial problem that their family is facing. But then, due to his passion and the coach is willing to teach him for free, he finally nodded. There on, Chong Wei realizes although he didn't win quite a few matches (in his badminton career while still a teenager), he manages to pull the points close enough to winning it. This has capture a lot of spectators and some coaches attention. 

      In conclusion, fate in unpredictable. None of us can predict the future and now, Chong Wei's badminton career is still everything to him. He's looking forward to maintain himself in his best condition and once again return to the Olympic scene to battle for glory. 

      To be honest, I'm really inspired by his strong-willed determination after reading this book. He wrote a sentence in it that really captures my attention a lot ... " Losing is wining. People claim that I fear my opponents. In fact, a winner always fear being defeated or to be surpassed. As long as we face our failures with the right mindset and attitude, we will still be on the right path to success. "

The cover of the book

Hard work pays off

Lee Chong Wei focusing during a match

Dare to be a champion. Never let your dreams forever remain just a dream

Failure makes him stronger

Ong Yi Teng
4 Cergas
26th January 2014 :)

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