Sunday, January 19, 2014

Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan

Main character: Percy Jackson

The series started with Percy, who is a 12-year-old who is oblivious of himself being the son of Poseidon. During his stay in Camp Half Blood, after he was attacked with a minotaur, he finally discovered that he is a demigod who is a half human and half god. After a while, during an incident, Poseidon, his father, finally claimed Percy to be his son which made others shocked by the fact. This is because the big three Greek Gods (Zeus, Hades and Poseidon) have made a pact together to not have any children with the mortal. At that time, he was injured but the people were staring at his head because there was a sign of reclamation of his father, a three-tipped spear: a trident.  In Camp Half Blood, he made friends with Annabeth, daughter of Athena as well as his satyr friend, Grover whom he actually met in his school without knowing Grover's identity as a demigod's protector.

In this series,  he is a brave young man who is not afraid to fight any enemies including the Titans and the Giants. He fought with Kronos, Lord of Time, due to Kronos' goal of wanting to overtake the Mount of Olympus. Kronos is also a titan and father of the big three Greek Gods. Percy defeated him and also held the weight of the sky which was supposed to be Atlas' (the General Titan) duty.

Besides that, he is a very loyal friend and would do anything for his friends. However, this trait of his is also his weakness of his as well. This is because in the book , Heroes of Olympus: House of Hades, he followed his friend, Annabeth who almost fell into Tartarus, a dark pit where all monsters who died live there and reform. He almost risked his life even though he knew it was dangerous  in order to be with his friend due to his utmost loyalty to close the Doors of Death together with her.

Last but not least, Percy is also slow and is somewhat having uncertainties over some issues faced by him in the series. For example, his friend, Annabeth, is always the one to notice things much faster than he is and sometimes this trait caused him a lot of troubles as well. He is called 'Seaweed Brain' by Annabeth because of this. Percy also is oblivious of Annabeth's feelings who hopes that Percy notice her through out all the quests they have gone through together.

I think personally that Percy is a great guy and a great hero as well. With what he had gone through so far, he is definitely someone who can be look up to for his bravery and his utmost loyalty towards his friends.

Hani Nadhirah Binti Azman
4 Cergas(2014)

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