Thursday, January 30, 2014

     The novel that I have read is Something Borrowed by Martina Reilly. The novel is about a woman who found out that she was adopted and she wants to trace her birth mother. The main character in this novel is Victoria McCarthy. Her nickname is Vicky. 

     When Vicky was twelve, she found out that she was adopted. She felt shocked and also relieved because she always felt different from her family. Since that day, she became distant from her family. She felt that her parents lied to her. Her cousins always teased her. 

     Vicky loves to watch kids looking for something to buy and going out with smiles plastered to their faces. She also loves toys. Now, she works as the manager of a toy shop owned by Albert O’Neill, one of the most successful businessmen in the country. Albert employed only one worker to help Vicky. The worker’s name is Bridie. Vicky and Bridie works together to run the toy shop. Vicky’s parents are so proud of her.

     Vicky lives with her friend, Sal. They have been friends since primary school. Sal is a journalist. Vicky always went out with Sal. They had so much fun. When Sal’s journalist friend joins them, Vicky felt left out. Vicky hates it when she needs to share her friend with someone else. When Vicky travels around the world, she got a new Germany friend, Jorge. When he came to visit Vicky, Sal did not acknowledge him. When he mentioned that his father is a big financier in the German stock market, Sal immediately paid attention to him. Sal and Jorge became friends. Sal showed him around. Vicky was left out. When they invite her to join them, she refuse. When Jorge went home, Vicky had a big row with Sal.

     Vicky loves her parents even though they are not her real parents because they raise her up. When Vicky was finding her birth mother, she rarely calls and visits her parents. She took a long leave and went home to spend time with her parents. Her mother’s flu is getting worse. Her father called a doctor to check her mother. The doctor called an ambulance to bring her mother to the hospital. Her mother was recovering fast. Suddenly she got a stroke. Then, she dies. Vicky felt so sad because she have been to busy finding her birth mother and managing the toy shop to visit her mother. Vicky was sad when she found out that her mother had angina and she didn’t tell her.

     When Vicky decided to find her birth mother, her parents were mad, but they tried to help her because Vicky said that she felt a part of her was missing and finding her birth mother can help her to understand who she is. Her parents gave her the name of the adoption company. Within a few weeks, the company found some information about her birth mother. Her name is Barbara. She was only nineteen when she gave Vicky away. The adoption company contacted Barbara and informed her that Vicky wants to have a connection with her. At first, they wrote letters to each other. Then, they started talking on the phone. In the end, they met and became close.

Irdhina Nazifah
4 Cergas

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