Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Swan Thieves 

        The novel that I had read is The Swan Thieves", authored by Elizabeth Kostova. This story is about Dr. Andrew Marlow, a psychiatrist where his perfectly ordered life was destroyed by a well-known artist, Robert Oliver. Previously, Robert attacked a canvas in the National Gallery and became his patient. Dr. Andrew Marlow had the responsibility to find out the reason as to why Robert Oliver attacked the canvas.

        Dr. Andrew Marlow helped his patient, Robert, to recover from his mental illness. As Robert refused to speak, Andrew decided to consult the former's ex-wife, Kate Oliver. He went to Greenhill to find Kate. At first, Kate did not want to talk about Robert, her ex-husband, as it would relive her 'nightmare'. But, Andrew's determination touched her. She took a few mornings to reveal the whole story about Robert from her point of view. The story had brought Andrew closer to the truth.

        From the story told by Kate, Andrew went to meet one of Robert's lover, Mary Bertison. Mary is the only person who Robert trusted. Robert told her the identity of the woman he always painted, but he never even mention to his wife about the woman. Andrew was told that Robert saw the woman a few times in the museum and could never shake the image of her from his mind. 

        Andrew believed that the woman painted by Robert did existed. So, he went on a trip to the museum. At first, Andrew was disappointed as he did not find the woman he was looking for. All seemed to be in vain until he turned away to search for the exit. He glimpsed a portrait of that woman and he drew closer to the portrait. It was a portrait of Beatrice de Clerval, drawn by Olivier Vignot. This shows that Andrew's trusting towards Robert paid off thoroughly. 

        Finally, Robert spoke, recovering from his mental illness. 

- Tan Cheng Faye -
- 4 Cergas -
- 30th January 2014 -

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