Sunday, January 26, 2014

Clarissa "Clary" Adele Fray/Fairchild/Morgenstern is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the Mortal Instruments series. Clary, while spending time at a New York City nightclub, the Pandemonium, is stunned to observe a group of teenagers with apparent supernatural abilities: Jace, Isabelle, and Alec. She sees them attack a demon who had gone into the club, but soon realizes that she is the only person able to see them.

After the battle, she is further introduced to the group of teens, who identify themselves as Shadowhunters, a race of humans who are physically enhanced with angel blood, who secretly protect humanity from demons with their powers. When her mother Jocelyn goes missing, Clary soon learns that the event is connected to the conflict between the Shadowhunters and their enemies. She then enters the Shadowhunter fold, using her newly revealed mystical abilities to assist the group while attempting to find her mother. In the process, she falls in love with fellow Shadowhunter, Jace Wayland.

She learns that Valentine Morgenstern (the main antagonist of the series) is her biological father and her mother's ex-husband, and in the end of City of Bones, Valentine tells them that she and Jace are siblings (which they later discover in the series is actually a lie). In the second book of the series, City of Ashes, she dates her best friend Simon, who has had a long time crush on her, in order to forget Jace during the torturous time of believing him to be her brother and whom she still held feeling towards. This fails on account of her ever growing feelings for Jace. She is told by the Seelie Queen that she has the ability to create runes that don't exist, which later enables her to destroy Valentine's ship using the "Open" rune. In the end of the second novel, she finds that an old friend of her mother, Madeleine, knows how to wake her mother, who has been in a magical coma since the first book.

In City of Glass, it is discovered that Jocelyn had taken a potion, made by a warlock named Ragnor Fell, to induce a comatose state and prevent her from being interrogated by Valentine. Before she dies, Madeleine tells Clary that she needs to find Fell and he will be able to help her cure her mother. Clary portals herself and Luke to Idris, and falls into Lake Lyn, causing her to hallucinate and become lucid. Luke then takes her to his sister Amatis for healing.

During her stay in Alicante, Clary ventures to find Ragnor Fell, who will be able to help her with the potion. She is escorted there by Sebastian Verlac, whom she recently met, in an attempt to make contact with Fell. Instead she finds Magnus Bane, who tells her of Ragnor's death and how he was called as a replacement, and requests that she find him the Book of White in return for his help. She returns to Alicante where Sebastian kisses her. She rejects him after having feelings of "wrong" while he kissed her, and they continue back to Alicante. She then discovers that the Book of White is hidden in Wayland Manor, and travels with Jace to retrieve it. Inside they find the angel Ithuriel tied up and left for dead in the basement. He gives both Shadowhunters visions of Valentine experimenting on his children with demon blood in an attempt to make a stronger warrior.

They escape the manor after freeing Ithuriel so he can finally die, the two then share a moment of passionate romance. They return to Alicante to see it burning from the first assault on the city, and after things are in order, Clary meets with the others and they go to free Simon. They return to see the Clave and Clary uses her rune ability to create a binding rune, enabling Shadowhunters and Downworlders to share powers. All those of age go to the battle on Brocelind Plains, and Clary has to give Simon the Mark of Cain so that the vampires will join the fight.

Magnus wakes her mother, who informs Clary that Jace is not her brother— Sebastian (The real Jonathan Morgensten) is. It is soon revealed that Sebastian is actually a spy for Valentine and tried to seduce Clary into teaming up with him. Clary then tries to locate Jace to help him. She runs into Valentine who ties her down in order to complete his summoning of the Angel by using her blood, however when Jace arrives to rescue her, Valentine instead forces her to watch as he fatally stabs Jace in the chest, killing him instead. Upon summoning the angel, she changes the marks on Valentine's summoning circle giving her the ability to control the Angel, and after Valentine is slain, she wishes to have Jace back. After Jace is brought back to life, the two finally get together realizing that their love for each other isn't incestuous after all.

            4 CERGAS


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