Wednesday, January 29, 2014

If we could meet by the sea
Before I go though one of the main characters in the story, I will give an introduction to the story. This story talks about the story of Tom Sterner, a young part time assassin who is driven by hatred to avenge his family who were brutally murdered in front of him during his 13th birthday. He is ordered by his master who is also his guardian,  Mr Kinton to finish his studies in high school before he can start off his life as a full time assassin and seek his revenge. In school , Alice Marlyn, school reporter, above average IQ and above average curiosity, is curious about Tom, widely known as ‘the invisible boy’ in school and decides to follow him back to his home after school and that’s how they met and things started to change for Tom and Alice…
The character I will write about would be Alice Marlyn, she is a very observant person and literally nothing slips past her. For example, there was once when Tom was late to school, he actually jumped right into the school through the back gate to avoid being caught and no one else but Alice who was observing it from a tight angle in her class saw him do that, and that was how she started to have an interest in him.
On the other hand, Alice is a person born with the curiosity that could even surpass the likes of Isaac Newton. She was so curios about Tom that she even followed him back home and almost got herself killed by Tom before she could find out where he lived. But even so, she stilled followed him back the next day only to find that he had no home n lived in a tent by the sea.
Kindness is also another one of Alice’s many wonderful traits. When she found out that Tom had no home and has lived by himself all along, she decided to offer him a place to stay at her place. Although Tom refused her offer and threatened to kill her again, she still constantly came out to the seaside to visit him, try to talk to him and occasionally bring in some provisions for him. That is how Tom started to grow softspot for her and fall for her.
Moving on, Alice is also a very determined person, when she found out that Tom had such a dark past, she put in all her effort to help him clear his hatred and live live more freely. She made Tom have lunch with her and her friends, she signed Tom to audition for the singing competition with her for a duet, but most importantly and unintentionally, she gave Tom someone who he could depend on, a shoulder he could cry on, a person who would listen and a person who he could love.
Lastly, Alice is a self sacrificing person. For Tom, she sacrificed time with her family, she decided to spend time with Tom rather than go to the mall with her friends, she even skiped her sister’s wedding to help Tom with one of his missions. But her biggest sacrifice was, she took the blame for making Tom become soft, for making Tom think of living like a normal person again for making Tom disobey Mr Kinto. Mr Kinton had her in his arms with a knife on her throat by the egde of a cliff by the sea with Tom trying to find a way to save her but Alice had other ideas, she  made Tom promise to live his life as a normal person again, to quit everything that involve his family’s murder and to continue living happily without her in this world... and with that she pushed herself n Mr Kinton down into the merciless sea.
In conclusion,  Alice is an observant, very curious, kind, determined and self sacrificing person.

“You wanted me to live like a normal person again, well every normal person dies. You wanted me to quit everything that involves my families murder, what better way to do that than to not be in that world . You wanted me to live happily without you in this world, I will live happily with you in another world”



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