Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Gift by Cecelia Ahern

Main Character : Lou Suffern

The novel I have read is “The Gift” by Cecelia Ahern published in 2008. The story is set at Christmas time and is about Lou Suffern, a high powered businessman with a very busy life. He is a classic workaholic who never has a moment to spare, he is always multitasking while shortchanging his devoted wife and their adorable children. Plus, since he started fighting for a big promotion, he has barely seen his family at all.

One day, Lou decides to help a homeless man outside his office by giving him a job in the post room, but quickly begins to regret it. The homeless man, Gabe, unsettles Lou in a way he can't put his finger on, it's almost like he can be in two places at once which impresses everyone at Lou's company to no end. As the story develops, Gabe teaches Lou the value of time and how to appreciate his family again, but is it too late for him to learn his lesson?

The nineteen-year old of that Christmas would have longed for this moment right now. Lou lay in bed and thought back to the beginning, when he and Ruth had first met at university. Two of them were celebrating the winter finals. She would done better than him in those winter exams but any time he failed an exam and had been forced to repeat it, she is there. She turned study sessions into quiz games, interesting prizes and punishments. Ruth snapped, broke into his thoughts and trying to tell him Bud is crying in the next room. And he thought he was late for work. On the same morning, Lucy came in and asked would he come to her performance, sadly he couldn’t make it. Ruth was also mad at Lou because he didn’t remember that night was Lucy’s school play and dinner with his mom,dad,Alexandra,Quentin and Marcia. She was like a parrot with Lou that keep mentioning about it but he didn’t remember.

As a results, we can see Lou is the kind of man that puts his work on top of anything. He would not want to skip one day of work for his families because he wants to show everyone he is the hardworking one. Most of all, he wants to get a promotion, he wants to get Cliff’s job. Gabe. He always question something that will struck Lou’s heart and that is exactly the reason Lou didn’t like about him. “You any good at juggling?” And Gabe offered Lou a small container of pills. He confessed how he could get from place to place and they are not drugs. Lou knew that Gabe was implying him paths will be so much clearer when people stop looking at everyone else is doing and instead concentrate on themselves. He knows this is the only way he could fix his life. At least his families.

Indeed, Lou had swallowed the pill. He went to the boardroom of the Patterson Development offices negotiating Arthur Lynch and showed up in the conference calls. It only means one thing that the pills Gabe had gave Lou is working! And yet after all ended, he happily invited Gabe to pub for celebrate his-finally-free-time and refused to go home. Don’t forget he was now a double, the other half of him was heading home now, that meant he could stay out all night and nobody would notice.

The other half of  him which spent time with Ruth had realized how foolish and childish he was that not appreciating what an amazing wife he have. She took good care of their children and as well as his families. Double booked tomorrow night. Gabe ignored him about the pills but Lou found one on the ground. It is a meeting with Mr. Patterson and it is his dad’s party. He cannot missed anyone of it. He might be offered a promotion and he hasn’t met his dad for a year. What really caught my attention is he does not eat the pill this time.

Lou made it to the work party and have a talk with Mr.Patterson. HE GOT THE PROMOTION! Although he was late for his father’s party, he is trying his best to catch up with everyone and he decided to host the party. But it does not turns out as his expected. There are problems with his dad’s friend are not all invited and the funniest thing is everyone was standing. How on earth Alison(his secretary) will arrange a standing-only event and acid jazz funky house music for a seventieth parties? Well it is all because of Lou. He is the only son in the family and when he was pointed to organize it, he threw it all to Alison which is a completely stranger.

Lou feel ashamed of himself. Finally he is determined to make things right. With the pills. He is going to race with his brother, Quentin in a sailing competition and go ice-skating with Ruth and the kids tomorrow. Two Lous were enjoying themselves. He was enjoying the feel of the wind in his hair, the lights of the city around him, the crispness of the air. He felt free and alive, happier than he remembered being for a long time. Round and round he went. They didn’t say anything about that day. They didn’t need to. They all knew. It has been the best day of their lives.

On the Monday following his wonderful weekend, it was Christmas Eve. The first day he decided to come down from his thirteenth floor and join the living. Gabe had been right about a lot of things. Lou wants to thank him. All Gabe said was it was not some magic pills it were just a science con…  It were meant for Lou to spend more time with his familes…. Doubts about the pills had answered. But is there something going to happen?

Lou was so panic. He drove at a fierce speed and auto dial to Lou’s home. Still ringing. Lou’s family was at home, prepare for an evening meal which he promised he will join but they were not answering the phone.  He make sure it was still dialing and his eyes look away from the road. A car coming at him beeped loudly, he moved to his lane and with such a sudden turn like this he flew up past a hotel. Finally Ruth called back. Glad to know she is safe to call back. Before the police could help him out from the car, he closed his eyes and left the world.

The main character of “The Gift” which is Lou gave me and heartache. I can see how short lives will be and we cannot predict what happens next or what we’ll encounter. I love Lou and “The Gift”. 

Low Pui San
4 Cergas

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